Boomers aren’t so attached to holding on to their money…we are willing to risk everything in the search for living more fully.
Keeping our New Year’s resolutions takes work to stay on course.
In my work developing the substance of Graceful Aging I began a soulful exploration of how this was affecting my sense of self.
The many experiences of war that we can only read or watch a movie about leaves us not really understanding the sacrifice it takes.
[Elderhood is] incomplete until we have taken what we have learned…and share it with the world.
Musical memories may trigger joy or may sometimes trigger sorrow, but they facilitate emotional release.
Having been the guru on change for a good part of his life, an unexpected event led him into unknown territory.
Selhub says that some people are naturally more resilient that others, better able to handle the pressures of the 21st century.
Personas can finally be laid aside and transformation into the “heroic journey” is possible in a unique and life altering way.
Important for the elderly to keep up old and make new relationships.
As aging brings change and transition, learning to manage worry and uncertainty is a worthwhile practice.
A day to examine the role that creative expression can play in promoting engagement, healing and wellness for all ages.
The inner journey can be long, but the rewards are great.
Seniors' columnist feels others pain as they move through parents' dying process. Grace Full Aging workshop March 28.
Resilience is an important quality to develop in life…especially as the transitions of “advancing maturity” become more apparent.
Audrey continues to extend her warm nature out into the community through volunteering, something she has done for many years.
Experiencing the imminent death of a loved one brings home a very deep truth that can prepare us for our own journey…
Confronting your own mortality opens a door to looking at your life in a new way.
The more engaged you are in the nuts and bolts of the actual move…determines the level of opportunity there is for learning.
All speakers at a recent forum spoke about innovation and solutions to create a community in Kelowna that cares about all of its citizens.