Marjorie Horne

Horne: Baby boomers bring revival attitude to retirement

Boomers aren’t so attached to holding on to their money…we are willing to risk everything in the search for living more fully.

Horne: The things that get in the way

Keeping our New Year’s resolutions takes work to stay on course.

Horne: Gifts of imperfection: Courage, compassion, connection

In my work developing the substance of Graceful Aging I began a soulful exploration of how this was affecting my sense of self.

Horne: Courage of our veterans deserves our gratitude

The many experiences of war that we can only read or watch a movie about leaves us not really understanding the sacrifice it takes.

Horne: Acts of stewardship give meaning to aging gracefully

[Elderhood is] incomplete until we have taken what we have learned…and share it with the world.

Horne: Music engaging for seniors

Musical memories may trigger joy or may sometimes trigger sorrow, but they facilitate emotional release.

Horne: Surprising rewards from taking chances

Having been the guru on change for a good part of his life, an unexpected event led him into unknown territory.

Horne: Boost your resilience: Stay strong and carry on

Selhub says that some people are naturally more resilient that others, better able to handle the pressures of the 21st century.

Horne: Taking the heroic journey to elderhood

Personas can finally be laid aside and transformation into the “heroic journey” is possible in a unique and life altering way.

Horne: Good friends essential for your wellbeing

Important for the elderly to keep up old and make new relationships.

Horne: Only you can get yourself through tough times

As aging brings change and transition, learning to manage worry and uncertainty is a worthwhile practice.

Horne: Awakening human potential in the second half of life

A day to examine the role that creative expression can play in promoting engagement, healing and wellness for all ages.

Horne: Age gracefully as one matures into elderhood

The inner journey can be long, but the rewards are great.

Horne: The untethered soul: Doing less is being more

Seniors' columnist feels others pain as they move through parents' dying process. Grace Full Aging workshop March 28.

Horne: In deep shift: The courage of facing transition

Resilience is an important quality to develop in life…especially as the transitions of “advancing maturity” become more apparent.

Horne: Loving later life

Audrey continues to extend her warm nature out into the community through volunteering, something she has done for many years.

Horne: Facing our demise can bring up unresolved issues

Experiencing the imminent death of a loved one brings home a very deep truth that can prepare us for our own journey…

Horne: Learn from the regrets of the dying

Confronting your own mortality opens a door to looking at your life in a new way.

Horne: Moving a parent into residential care: Survival tips

The more engaged you are in the nuts and bolts of the actual move…determines the level of opportunity there is for learning.

Horne: Aging in a changing world

All speakers at a recent forum spoke about innovation and solutions to create a community in Kelowna that cares about all of its citizens.