Marjorie Horne

Horne: Message in lyric: ‘It is time to say good-bye’

The words of the next song came up on the screen and it read, It Is Time To Say Goodbye.

Horne: Music connects us to love and dreams gone by

I was awe struck as I sat by my Mom at the age of eight, listening to the incredible range and passion of their melodic voices.

Horne: Weight of revealing fragility in our third stage of life

When faced with courage, it is the challenges that really help us to grow.

Horne: When it comes to caregiving, do your best one step at a time

As you slow down this is the moment that you can step out of the fear that many caregiving situations can push you into.

Horne: Bring compassion to your interactions

A crisis…brings out our compassion to one another in a way that everyday routine seems to neglect.

Horne: Dealing with loss often learned in childhood

How we learn to feel and behave when a loss occurs is often influenced by the significant adults in our life.

Horne: Taking that next step in caring for an aging parent

As caring for my mom began to take a toll…I was faced with…understanding why I struggled so with letting her go.

Horne: Expressing creativity important as we age

Exploring one’s creative spirit is one way that offers us an opportunity to open up to exciting new possibilities.

Horne: Third stage of life a transition with no easy answers

In caregiving…you go through letting go of many things as your life adjusts to new routines and limitations.

Horne: Caregiver takes a reality break

I expect the journey will also be an internal one for it’s time for my husband and I to get reacquainted after many months of caregiving.

Horne: Coming to terms with our own mortality

A group of women will be gathering for a workshop on April 26 and 27 called The Wisdom Circle.

Horne: Finding the calm when losing a sense of control

In that incredible moment of connection, I felt the fear in both of us leave…

Horne: Confessing to the stress that comes with being a caregiver

I am intimately learning to fully recognize the signs of caregiver stress and how to express to others that I can’t do it alone.

Horne: Four steps to achieve conscious ‘eldering’

The question is: Are you going to slide down the hill or are you going to steer?

Horne: Learning to embrace the transition in life to elderhood

As I approached and passed my own 60th birthday two years ago, it was evident to me that this was going to be a more challenging passage.

Horne: Miracles exists in our everyday lives

This holiday season, there may be a senior who crosses your path that can benefit from you simply pausing to see or feel their need.

Horne: Adapting to life’s challenges determines our happiness

…health is determined by a stable marriage, the ability to make lemonade out of lemons and regular exercise.

Horne: Agreeing on mutual reliance

Encouraging proactive planning for possible transitions is something I encourage families to do.

Horne: Caregiving—Put your oxygen mask on first

Trying to really experience this illusive “state of equilibrium” with multiple external demands…is challenging.

Horne: Seeking balance between working and caregiving

I find myself again feeling the pangs of guilt around balancing caring for my aging mom while working full-time.