Marjorie Stewart

Wartime series helps recall memories

I have been watching episodes of Wartime Farm for the joy of finding out how things used to be done.

Resolutions picked for food habits

Food Tank, a prestigious Chicago-based think tank, lists 14 resolutions for 2014 and here they are with my comments.

Food choices reduce stress on planet

Small-scale farming is labour-intensive and maybe that’s just what we need to solve our global problems rather than corporate schemes.

Pasteurization inhibits good bacteria

Pasteurization is one of the culprits in killing off the beneficial microbes we need in our guts to keep us healthy.

Unprocessed food simple to create

Lately I have been using several basic classic foods to add flavours and textures to simple meals. These are easy to make from scratch.

Agriculture education would fill void

Young, would-be farmers are crying out for training opportunities which the people who would employ them cannot afford.

FOOD MATTERS: International aid not always in people’s best interest

NANAIMO – There are strong similarities between food banks, welfare and international emergency aid.

FOOD MATTERS: Natural methods preferable to genetic modification

NANAIMO – The arguments on genetically modified organisms are heating up.

FOOD MATTERS: Having a plan for stored food leads to less waste overall

NANAIMO – Author prepared for coming rise in food prices.

FOOD MATTERS: New agricultural movement brings back seed variety

NANAIMO – Seed swaps help people contribute to food security locally.

FOOD MATTERS: Economics impact healthy eating

NANAIMO – Advocating for less junk food in schools often faces resistance when it comes to money.

SCIENCE MATTERS: Moderation needs help at Christmas

NANAIMO – Prepare for 2013 with a moderate diet this Christmas interspersed with real treats, not the other way round.

FOOD MATTERS: Topsoil a finite resource to protect

NANAIMO – More than 20 billion tons of soil on croplands to erosion.

FOOD MATTERS: Consumers must be wary of arsenic food scare

Another food scare has erupted, this time about arsenic levels in rice.

FOOD MATTERS: Lineups attest to people re-discovering artisan bread

NANAIMO: Growing gluten intolerance likely linked to processing.

FOOD MATTERS: Canning gives food year-round

NANAIMO: Healthy fruit and vegetables available in winter.

FOOD MATTERS: Some honey sources far from sweet

Like many results of economic globalization, honey from poorly-regulated sources can be untrustworthy.

Hearty soups consist of layers

Generations of working people have maintained their health with substantial soups.

Seedy Sunday a day of delights

Annual event brings back fond memories of fair trade sale.

FOOD MATTERS: Avoid olive oil fraud by supporting fair trade product

Olive oil expert Tom Mueller who lives in Italy, has recently brought out a book called Extra Virginity.