Matt Whelan

Glee 2 cast members Sam Dovell, Hannah Lipinski, Jesse Negraff and Mack Edwards ham it up backstage at Isabelle Reader Theatre. The musical is running this week and next.

A Glee-ful return to the stage

A cast of almost 350 students and adults are warming up their vocal chords for Glee 2.

Glee 2 cast members Sam Dovell, Hannah Lipinski, Jesse Negraff and Mack Edwards ham it up backstage at Isabelle Reader Theatre. The musical is running this week and next.
Louse Hodgson-Jones and Cathy Noel with the Victoria Goddess Run show off their race T-shirts at Goudy Field at Langford’s City Centre Park.

Langford hosts Goddess Run

Women-only road races and charity fundraiser in June

Louse Hodgson-Jones and Cathy Noel with the Victoria Goddess Run show off their race T-shirts at Goudy Field at Langford’s City Centre Park.
Rick Van Krugel and wife Linda Rogers create steampunk inspired jewelry in their kitchen studio. The Victoria Steam Exhibition takes place on April 20.

Victorian-era revellers set to invade Empress Hotel

Make a note of this on your teak-panelled iPad: the third annual Victoria Steam Exhibition arrives April 20.

Rick Van Krugel and wife Linda Rogers create steampunk inspired jewelry in their kitchen studio. The Victoria Steam Exhibition takes place on April 20.