Melissa Martin

The intarsia wood art of Port Alberni-based artist Robert Steven opens May 19 at Rollin Art Centre.

Next show highlights intarsia wood artist

New exhibit, McLean Mill market signup and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

The intarsia wood art of Port Alberni-based artist Robert Steven opens May 19 at Rollin Art Centre.

Art in Schools starts May 5

Book sale, Timbre! concert and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

Yolande Fournier’s whimsical pottery can be seen at this year’s Days with the Arts studio tour.

Studio tour this weekend

Days with the Arts, a concert and more this week on the Alberni arts scene.

Yolande Fournier’s whimsical pottery can be seen at this year’s Days with the Arts studio tour.
Dietrich Schlackl turns iconic views like the MV Lady Rose building into painterly masterpieces.

Rollin getting busy with events

Ehibits, choirs and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

Dietrich Schlackl turns iconic views like the MV Lady Rose building into painterly masterpieces.
An oil painting by Dietrich Shlackl.

Days with the Arts tickets on sale

A new exhibit, a fashion show and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

An oil painting by Dietrich Shlackl.
‘Tofino Cedars’ by Dietrich Schlackl is part of his exhibit starting April 7 at the Rollin Art Centre.

See ‘For the Love of Painting’

A new arts exhibit, book sale and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

‘Tofino Cedars’ by Dietrich Schlackl is part of his exhibit starting April 7 at the Rollin Art Centre.

Arts Council readies for Days with the Arts

A wonderful weekend of art and culture is in store April 25–26 with the purchase of a ticket for 2015 Days with the Arts.

Take a gamble at Rollin

Arts exhibits and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

Organ recital at Trinity Church

A new exhibit, a fashion show and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

New art Exhibit at Rollin debuts in March

New art Exhibit at Rollin debuts in March

A new exhibit, a call for book donations and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

New art Exhibit at Rollin debuts in March

Big year shaping up for arts

A spectacle of colours, Day with the Arts and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

Days with the Arts coming up in April

A new exhibit, Art Rave signup, what's on at Char's Landing and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

'Ocean', by Miroslava Gojdova, is one of the artist's paintings included in Colours Within at the Rollin Art Centre in Port Alberni.

‘Colours Within’ opens at Rollin art Centre gallery

Artist Miroslava Gojdova displays diversity with drawings, paintings, photographs.

'Ocean', by Miroslava Gojdova, is one of the artist's paintings included in Colours Within at the Rollin Art Centre in Port Alberni.

Arts around: Rollin Art Centre exhibits due to switch in a week

New exhibits and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

Steph Cameron and Joe Nolan play Char’s Landing on Tuesday, Jan. 27.

Arts around: Still room available in drawing class

Drawing classes, a new exhibit, a show at Char's Landing and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

Steph Cameron and Joe Nolan play Char’s Landing on Tuesday, Jan. 27.
An untitled photograph by artist Miroslava Gojdova, who will be the next featured artist at the Rollin Art Centre in Port Alberni.

Arts Around: Miroslava Gojdova up next at Rollin Art Centre

Drawing classes, entertainment at Char's Landing, and book donation information featured in this week's column.

An untitled photograph by artist Miroslava Gojdova, who will be the next featured artist at the Rollin Art Centre in Port Alberni.
Artist Cynthia Bonesky, who creates beautiful portraits in pencil, will lead adult drawing classes at Echo Centre in Port Alberni in the new year.

Drawing classes, winter closure on tap at Rollin Art Centre

Cynthia Bonesky will start 2015 with an adult drawing class through Echo Centre in Port Alberni.

Artist Cynthia Bonesky, who creates beautiful portraits in pencil, will lead adult drawing classes at Echo Centre in Port Alberni in the new year.
Myles Morrison and Wayne Vliet from Ucluelet grace Char’s Landing Dec. 19–20.

Arts around: Rollin Art Centre wrapping up with late hours Friday

What's on at Char's Landing, arts council renewal time and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

Myles Morrison and Wayne Vliet from Ucluelet grace Char’s Landing Dec. 19–20.
A multitude of work from the Wednesday Painters is on display at the Rollin Art Centre. The show has been held over until Feb. 7, 2015.

Arts around: Wednesday Painters held over until Feb. 7

Wednesday Painters, McLean Mill Market, DRAW Gallery sketches and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

A multitude of work from the Wednesday Painters is on display at the Rollin Art Centre. The show has been held over until Feb. 7, 2015.
The Capitol Sea Notes perform at the Rollin Art Centre Celebration of Light on Saturday, Nov. 29.

Present Images exhibit at Rollin until Dec. 20

Wednesday Painters, McLean Mill Market, Making Spirit Bright and more on the Alberni art scene this week.

The Capitol Sea Notes perform at the Rollin Art Centre Celebration of Light on Saturday, Nov. 29.