Obesity is not just a huge problem in people in North America, but also their pets.
People assume that their cat’s teeth are just fine, where in fact, cats are especially prone to a dental condition called tooth resorption.
…in practical terms it doesn’t matter whether or not one spouse wronged the other spouse.
The early signs of chocolate intoxication are nausea (drooling and smacking the lips) vomiting and excessive urination.
One of the most common hazards related to the hot weather is heat stroke.
It's important to prevent heat stroke harming pets during the summer months.
Tick paralysis comes with the spring when ticks come out for blood.
Luckily with the right management feline leukemia may be prevented.
Make sure that the vaccinations that were given to your cat contain the FELV component.
Chocolate, cacao beans, sweet candiesWest Kelowna vet.
Unfortunately in some instances, by the time the medical problem is found, a great deal of damage has occurred.
Many chronic ear abnormalities are actually a result of other internal organ diseases, hormonal imbalance or most commonly, allergies.
Beside ear infection and its normal typical presentation, another abnormal outcome can arise, known as Aural Hematoma.
Abused or neglected animals are often scarred for life.
If your pet is experiencing seizures, seek help from a veterinarian to fit the right management for both you and your pet.
Dental hygiene is one, if not the most important, aspect of veterinary preventative medicine.
While spaying your female and neutering your male pet is responsible pet ownership, some owners are interested in breeding their pet.
Keep your dogs on a short leash, and your cats indoors.
Keep your dogs on a short leash, and your cats indoors.
Allergies are very common in pets, but diagnosing an immune mediated disease and allergies can be very challenging.