Peter Dolezal

PETER DOLEZAL: Home ownership carries benefits over renting

Over the long term, ownership has more saving potential than renting

PETER DOLEZAL: Getting an inheritance? Manage it responsibly

Paying off high-interest debt best first use of money

PETER DOLEZAL: Exchange-traded funds gaining in popularity

Although exchange-traded funds have many of the same characteristics as mutual funds, their fees are about one-fifth that of mutual funds

PETER DOLEZAL: Variable mortgage rates have lost their edge

With mortgage rates so low, borrower might want to consider a fixed rate

PETER DOLEZAL: A decade to remember for Greater Victoria real estate

Real estate in Greater Victoria boomed in the past decade, but don't expect the trend to continue

PETER DOLEAL: Waging the risk to your portfolio

People should consider the risks associated with their investments

DOLEZAL: Timing the equity market can be a mug’s game

Trading frequently to try and chase the market not the best strategy

Financial market turmoil

Canadian equity markets have officially reached Bear Market status.

RRSP or tax free savings account?

In my consulting practice I’m often asked by those not-yet-retired, which savings vehicle is better, a tax free savings account (TFSA) or an Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP).

Buyers’ market takes hold

Over the past few months, bargaining power in residential property transactions throughout the Greater Victoria area has rather clearly shifted in favour of buyers.

Seniors are losing out

Roughly 150,000 Canadian seniors are missing out on receiving Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) benefits

The cost of relocation

A recent TD Bank study found that only 50 per cent of Canadians remain at the same address for more than five years; some 20 per cent of homeowners have owned more than five homes; and 23 per cent plan to move again within six years

Index-beating strategy

During financial consultations I am often asked by clients how they can invest in equities while still minimizing risk.

The mortgage dilemma

Fixed or variable, the choice is not always a simple one

Staging for success

During my career I had many occasions to interview and hire job…

The HST conundrum

Rarely has there been a looming issue of such significance as the…

Property tax deferral program

For those readers whose living costs seem to be outpacing their incomes,…

Home equity not a cash cow

Unlike our U.S. neighbours who have much higher mortgage indebtedness, the average Canadian family with a mortgage has attained approximately 50 per cent equity value in their home. This fact encourages many of us, when refinancing, to add tens of thousands of dollars to our renewal mortgage — for renovations, a new vehicle, to pay off debts, or for travel.