Ralph Shaw

THIS EAGLE AT Spider Lake seems to be daring fishers to 'Go ahead: catch a trout and make my day.'

A wilderness high on Spider Lake

No fish for supper for columnist Shaw and lurking eagle

THIS EAGLE AT Spider Lake seems to be daring fishers to 'Go ahead: catch a trout and make my day.'
RECORD OUTDOOR COLUMNIST Ralph Shaw is resolved to spend more time in 'work places' such as this in 2013.

Intrepid outdoorsman sets busy schedule for new year

Shaw plans to enjoy nature one day every week in 2013

RECORD OUTDOOR COLUMNIST Ralph Shaw is resolved to spend more time in 'work places' such as this in 2013.
SANTA WILL MAKE outdoorsmen happy by including any of the items in this article in their Christmas stocking.

Has your outdoorsman been naughty or nice?

Either way, he'll appreciate these timely Christmas stocking stuffers

SANTA WILL MAKE outdoorsmen happy by including any of the items in this article in their Christmas stocking.
THREE PRIME SPIDER Lake rainbow (15-1/2', 14', 12-1/2') from magic moments fishing.

Stillwater magic and mystery at Spider Lake

Refreshing trip on the water nets some prime rainbow trout

THREE PRIME SPIDER Lake rainbow (15-1/2', 14', 12-1/2') from magic moments fishing.
AREA 14 SPORT Fishing Advisory Committee in session. Left to right: Sitting - George Bowran, Raymond Haines, Caroline Nestor, Larry Peterson, Bryan Allen, Gil Gingras and Nick Strussi. Standing - Scott Demone, Chuck Ashcroft, Brad Beath and Gerry Scott. Darcy Miller and Bryce Gillard were present but missed the photograph.

Area 14 Sport Fishing Advisory Committee update

Gil Gingras elected chairperson at first fall meeting of local group

AREA 14 SPORT Fishing Advisory Committee in session. Left to right: Sitting - George Bowran, Raymond Haines, Caroline Nestor, Larry Peterson, Bryan Allen, Gil Gingras and Nick Strussi. Standing - Scott Demone, Chuck Ashcroft, Brad Beath and Gerry Scott. Darcy Miller and Bryce Gillard were present but missed the photograph.
SEEN FROM CONDENSORY Bridge, five teenagers engaged in playing chum salmon while the sixth cleans a fish on the beach. No couch potatoes here.

Valley bustling with outdoor activity

Gun show, trip to hatchery and Condensory Bridge prove rewarding

SEEN FROM CONDENSORY Bridge, five teenagers engaged in playing chum salmon while the sixth cleans a fish on the beach. No couch potatoes here.
EARLY SEASON BEACH anglers fishing for pink salmon.

Beach fishing, river watching rewarding pastimes

Comox Valley is a great place for outdoorsmen in the fall

EARLY SEASON BEACH anglers fishing for pink salmon.
BEFORE HEADING OUTDOORS it's a good idea to pick up a copy of the 2012-2014 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis.

Geese and deer make for good eating

Regulations in place to help control populations of both

BEFORE HEADING OUTDOORS it's a good idea to pick up a copy of the 2012-2014 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis.
CHUCK ASHCROFT DISPLAYS a prime Area 14 chinook of about 15 pounds.

Strait of Georgia ‘highway’ for fish

Chinook salmon are highly prized by Area 14 anglers

CHUCK ASHCROFT DISPLAYS a prime Area 14 chinook of about 15 pounds.
JONAH AIKINS OF Comox found a secluded spot on the new wharf for some serious bullhead fishing during the annual Nautical Days derby.

Bullhead Derby brings kids and fishing together

A joy to watch youngsters having fun while learning valuable skill

JONAH AIKINS OF Comox found a secluded spot on the new wharf for some serious bullhead fishing during the annual Nautical Days derby.
THE FOUR-GENERATION fishing party consisted of (left to right) nine-year-old great granddaughter Madelyn Brown, 30-year-old grandson Kenzie Brown, 60-year-old grandma Luciak and 86-year-old great grandpa Ralph Shaw.

Four-generation fishing trip

Day One of two-day excursion sees family land some impressive fish

THE FOUR-GENERATION fishing party consisted of (left to right) nine-year-old great granddaughter Madelyn Brown, 30-year-old grandson Kenzie Brown, 60-year-old grandma Luciak and 86-year-old great grandpa Ralph Shaw.
A PRIME 67CM chinook caught off Kitty Coleman last week.

Local fishing has some surprises

Next time you're heading out on the water, check out Area 14

A PRIME 67CM chinook caught off Kitty Coleman last week.
A VIEW OF Baynes Sound looking north down the shipping lane near Deep Bay.

Politicians doing a great job of ignoring Baynes Sound

Coal mines and climate change endanger precious water resource

A VIEW OF Baynes Sound looking north down the shipping lane near Deep Bay.
CHUCK ASHCROFT WITH his prime, first-of-the-season, 44-pound halibut.

‘Weather’ or not to go halibut fishing

That is the question as current weather patterns make planning difficult

CHUCK ASHCROFT WITH his prime, first-of-the-season, 44-pound halibut.
DORIE SMITH AND Elaine Shaw are living proof of The Lipstick Effect as this photograph from the early 1990s illustrates.

Experience shows The Lipstick Effect is real

Women have special touch when fishing with lures or flies

DORIE SMITH AND Elaine Shaw are living proof of The Lipstick Effect as this photograph from the early 1990s illustrates.
THE COMOX VALLEY Fly Fishers' club lunch break is a great tradition.

Spring has finally sprung

Time for fishers to get out on the water and start reeling in some tasty treats

THE COMOX VALLEY Fly Fishers' club lunch break is a great tradition.
A GOURMET SHORE lunch in progress.

Good weekend to enjoy a shore lunch

Lots of fish in local lakes; pack your fishing gear and a fry pan

A GOURMET SHORE lunch in progress.
THE CONSERVATION OF wild places are important food for the soul.

Conservation fundraisers deserve our support

Ducks Unlimited and B.C. Wildlife Federation holding banquets in Comox Valley

THE CONSERVATION OF wild places are important food for the soul.
BE CAREFUL ABOUT seeking distant green pastures. Here, gulls and seals feast on a herring school.

Time to hit the water for some herring jigging

Low-key type of fishing still comes with challenges for the fisherman

BE CAREFUL ABOUT seeking distant green pastures. Here, gulls and seals feast on a herring school.
RECREATIONALLY CAUGHT HALIBUT produce considerable wealth for coastal B.C. Here, Smitty displays a nice fish.

The importance of the recreational halibut fishery

Politicians who promised action prior to last election have let fishermen down.

RECREATIONALLY CAUGHT HALIBUT produce considerable wealth for coastal B.C. Here, Smitty displays a nice fish.