Raymond Maslek

Airport shouldn’t be allowed to languish

"The apparent lack of interest among local communities in upgrading the Trail Airport is not as real as it may seem."

Pleas for better traffic safety often fall on deaf ears

"Good luck to Fruitvale council and its campaign for an upgrade to the crosswalk on Highway 3B at the entrance to the village..."

City ups the ante on illegal parking

Front yards in Trail will soon be expensive parking spaces for boats, trailers and other recreational vehicles.

Old, new and green democrats take heed

"The United States elections have left many Canadians scratching their heads at the goings on south of the border."

Winter mayhem in an era of falling crime

"...Stephen Harper had better get busy building even more prisons if the latest crime report from the local RCMP is any indication."

Will that be paper or porcelain, decaf or regular?

"...which set off a flurry of questions and button pushing from the server."

Proposed boundary change overly zealous

"Local citizens... are justifiably irate at the proposal to slash Greater Trail in two for the purpose of federal representation."

Family gatherings and the sweet sounds of the road

Striking up a conversation about current affairs with family members or new acquaintances can be a tricky business.

Smart meters, dumb customer, higher rates

Smart meters may not kill, but is there a benefit?

Stop bleeding oil money to United States

Taxes on oil pipelines, as opposed to less environmentally-risky natural gas lines, is a good place to start in offsetting the risk.

Rates not health the real smart meter issue

The real concern with smart meters is what we're going to get for our $50 million and the rate increase that will go with it.

The things that I love about our little town

At a pleasant social event recently, a guest with a personal connection to Trail city council asked me “Do you like Trail?”

Everything lovelier than trees to the RDKB

Those regional district staffers and elected directors who fancy themselves as environmental stewards are at it again.

Will actions speak louder than words in downtown plan?

Whatever else can be said about the Trail’s new downtown plan, it doesn’t draw you in with a catchy opening.

Smug boomers should give empathy a chance

Many of my fellow boomers have reflexively condemned the Quebec students protesting university tuition increases.

Ray of Light: Afghanistan foray did little to help solve problems

Time to assess what has been accomplished and at what cost.

Better thinking can solve some health and labour woes

Ray Maslek ponders healthcare and the labour shortage.

Slowing down raises everyone’s chance of survival

Do Trail motorists have a need for speed? Ray Masleck seems to think so.

Trail skate park plans losing its momentum

Trail's campaign for a skate park, after grant applications, site scouting and park designs, seems to be running out of steam.

Liability concerns fuel today’s paranoia

After years of rebuilding playgrounds because they were deemed unsafe, they now want kids to do jumps over concrete in skate parks?