Renee Andor

Feedback about Cumberland school merger mostly positive

The public feedback about merging Cumberland's two schools into one campus will pick up when students are back from spring break.

Slight tax hike provisionally approved in Cumberland

Cumberland committee of the whole gave the nod Monday for a 1.86-per-cent municipal tax increase for 2014.

Cumberland residents will pay for water they use starting in August

Cumberland residents can officially expect to pay for their water based on their consumption rates starting in August.

A group of École Robb Road Elementary students actively travel to and from school via bicycle.

Comox Valley students learning to get to school actively

The Comox Valley Board of Education highly praised this year's pilot project designed to increase active travel to school.

A group of École Robb Road Elementary students actively travel to and from school via bicycle.
A group of Navigate (North Island Distance Education School) students are provincial VEX Robotics champions and will go to the VEX Robotics world championship in California.

Comox Valley team qualifies for world robotics championship

A group of Navigate students were named provincial champions during this past weekend's VEX Robotics Championship at BCIT in Burnaby.

A group of Navigate (North Island Distance Education School) students are provincial VEX Robotics champions and will go to the VEX Robotics world championship in California.

Baynes Sound shellfish application smaller due to ‘political resistance’

The application for a 155-hectare shellfish tenure in Baynes Sound has been scaled back to nearly half that size.

B.C. teachers in classrooms with strike mandate

Comox Valley teachers showed strong support for their union during last week's strike vote.

GRADE 4 HUBAND PARK student Frances Nye demonstrates her spider-like climbing abilities on the school's new traverse climbing wall.

Students climbing to new heights at Comox Valley school

Huband Park Elementary School is now home to the Comox Valley's first traverse climbing wall.

GRADE 4 HUBAND PARK student Frances Nye demonstrates her spider-like climbing abilities on the school's new traverse climbing wall.

Geoduck draft framework to be unveiled this week

Fisheries and Oceans will make its draft integrated geoduck (pronounced gooey-duck) management framework public this week.

Comox Valley school board feeling funding crunch

The Comox Valley Board of Education will send a letter regarding concerns about educational funding to Education Minister Peter Fassbender.

WHISTLE STOP PUB owner Barry VanDusen is against some of the recommendations in the Liquor Policy Review.

Courtenay pub owner concerned about liquor law changes

Some of the recommendations to loosen B.C.'s liquor laws worry Courtenay pub owner Barry VanDusen.

WHISTLE STOP PUB owner Barry VanDusen is against some of the recommendations in the Liquor Policy Review.

B.C. teachers taking strike vote next week

B.C. teachers will cast ballots next week in a strike vote, but if job action happens it will be a phased-in process.

Comox Valley snowfall creates frowns — and smiles

Persistent snowfall disrupted the schedules of many people in the Comox Valley, but caused wide grins at Mount Washington Alpine Resort.

Denman cable ferry approved — islanders exasperated

BC Ferries expects its first-ever cable ferry will be running by the summer of 2015 on the route between Vancouver Island and Denman Island.

DUSTIN PARKER and Lisa Kennelly hold Christmas gifts that went to John Howard Society children through the Courtenay Sears store's annual Tree of Wishes campaign.

Dozens of Comox Valley children await adult mentors

Thirty-seven Comox Valley kids are waiting for adult mentors to be much-needed positive role models in their lives.

DUSTIN PARKER and Lisa Kennelly hold Christmas gifts that went to John Howard Society children through the Courtenay Sears store's annual Tree of Wishes campaign.

Cumberland close to civic cemetery master plan

The Village of Cumberland expects to have a civic cemetery master plan by the end of July.

GRADE 12 G.P. VANIER student Cassidy Nairn reads to Alice at Little Friends Early Learning Centre from a book she co-created.

Comox Valley secondary students become children’s book authors

Two G.P. Vanier Secondary classes teamed up to collaboratively create and publish children's books.

GRADE 12 G.P. VANIER student Cassidy Nairn reads to Alice at Little Friends Early Learning Centre from a book she co-created.
Vera-De Windows Inc. owner Detlef Recktenwald hopes he doesn't have to go out of business due to a flood that started from this small plastic pipe.

Flooded Comox Valley business in insurance dispute

Detlef Recktenwald says he may go out of business after an early-January flood.

Vera-De Windows Inc. owner Detlef Recktenwald hopes he doesn't have to go out of business due to a flood that started from this small plastic pipe.

Solid waste collection fees dropping in Cumberland

Cumberland residents will see a slight decrease in their solid waste collection user fees.

COURTENAY'S SAM STERK, 8, receives a kiss from a puppy destined for training at the Pacific Assistance Dogs Society.

Comox Valley boy grateful for donations to train service dogs

Sam Sterk spent his eighth birthday seeing how his fundraising efforts will help service-dogs-to-be.

COURTENAY'S SAM STERK, 8, receives a kiss from a puppy destined for training at the Pacific Assistance Dogs Society.