Rob Brown

Wide Glide, Rob Brown

You drive down a back road, slip on your waders and raincoat, and grab your flybox... you start down the mystery trail...

Secret Creek in summer, Rob Brown

I look up river. It’s low. The air is warm. There is only a slight breeze. There will be no fish in the small plunge pools... I need a pool.


Angler Rob Brown goes on vacation elsewhere in the province

BC Lakes Stewardship Society highlights water concerns

Can the integrity of the Lakelse Watershed be maintained along with economic prosperity?


I first heard the word Simms from Bob Clay, a man in demand as an endorser of steelheading equipment

Kids and quality water

I’m on my way to the upper reaches of the Lakelse River for the third time in two weeks...


Columnist Rob Brown looks at how the suffix for scandal has played out in B.C.

Lost wallet

Except for a slow, irritating leak in the left leg of my waders, it was a fine morning on the river...

Fish to fry II

A hook with nothing but a body fashioned from silver tinsel will catch fish, but a fly that mimics a migrant salmon juvenile works better

Annelida Rosea 3

Jim Culp tells of the time he, his long time friend and his son made a long walk into the reaches of what we call the upper Copper River...

Annelida Rosea 2

Our floats would be floating downstream side by side, said an unbelieving Tom Protheroe...

Annelida Rosea

It was a Saturday. It was Spring. It was about 25 years ago...

Lines on water

Hugh didn’t just catch more than most flyfishers do, he caught a lot more salmon, trout, char, and steelhead than the best of the rest of us

Big nymphs

Columnist Rob Brown channels trout fisherman Charles E. Brooks

Is the Kalum actually full of steelhead?

Angler often hears fishermen say that that is the case, but he isn't so sure

The evolution of the Zymoetz River

It’s high time to adjust the regulations for the lower Zymoetz so that they harmonize with the regulations upstream, writes angler

Cutthroat woes

Columnist Rob Brown continues his piece on what might be happening to trout in the area

Troubled trout

Columnist Rob Brown began to worry about the Lakelse River Cutthroat Trout in earnest last September

Travels with Mike: The final chapter

Columnist Rob Brown's series on his friend, Mike Whelpley, draws to an emotional close

Travels with Mike: The penultimate chapter

After a decade of fishing together every weekend and on most holidays, Mike began dating Jacquie...