Rob Brown


This week, our columnist Rob Brown uses videos from YouTube to teach us about different fishing philosophies

Car wrecks

This week, our columnist Rob Brown paints a picture of one of the world's greatest salmon streams – and it's not always pretty


Our columnist Rob Brown takes on the BC Wildlife Federation's proposal for steelhead hatcheries

Roger and friends

This week, our columnist Rob Brown remembers Roger Reid, a Kingfisher

One fly

Our columnist Rob Brown finds inspiration in a moment of forgetfulness

Reg rage ends

Our columnist Rob Brown gives us the final instalment of his reg rage series


THE LAKELSE River is high, but clear. I go there to see if any sockeye are flipping about.

Reg rage four

Our columnist Rob Brown gives you the insider take on the fishing industry

Reg Rage

Rob Brown gives us his insider take on the Quality Waters Strategy

Kalum in Winter

The dog is getting impish. Relax, I tell her. As soon as the chores are done, we’ll go out.

PEARL, cut by swine

Government cuts to environmental projects a poor choice

Dog quest the final chapter

As we drove home our curly shepherdoodle lay peacefully on Karen’s lap.

Dog hunt

Dogs are hard wired to please people. Provided they have a decent upbringing, they are loyal to a fault.

Embracing winter 2

Learning how to make and fish hybrid sinking tips and wield a two fisted fly rod was only half the task.

Embracing winter

Summer failed to happen. We didn’t have much of a fall. Now winter’s here and it appears that it will be long and full of snow.

The dark side

The ancient ancestor of ours who discovered it was possible to cultivate food rather than hunt for it started a process..

Farm harm two

The introduction of alien species is fraught with peril.

Fish farm harm

When I first heard about fish farming I thought of inland ponds filled with catfish.

Gypsy Fish

Elusive is an adjective that could have been invented to describe sea run cutthroat trout.

Pipe paths

Forget the legion of problems connected to the proposed Enbridge pipeline. Assume the gargantuan project is going ahead and consider what route it should take.