Rob Lees

The power of ‘nurture’

Neuroscientist James Fallon has written a first-person account of his own self-discovery related to the nature vs. nurture debate.

Taking steps to build healthy domestic relationships

Improving adult couple relationships can be one of the key strategies for decreasing and potentially eradicating interpersonal violence.

Simple skills to help give your mental health a tune up

How can we correct the negative trajectory of mental health problems like the two most prevalent conditions, anxiety and depression?

Column: Making every door the right door

The Chilliwack Child and Youth Committee (CYC) is attempting to make the experience of looking for help a little less distressing.

Concern for the kids drive more parents to programs like ‘Couples Boot Camp’

More couples looking to mend troubled relationships

A concern for the children is driving more parents to programs like ‘Couples Boot Camp’

Concern for the kids drive more parents to programs like ‘Couples Boot Camp’

What impact is conflict having on our children?

Resilient as children may be, evidence from science increasingly demonstrates how sensitive and absorbent their brains are.

Happy parents will lead to happier families

When parent focus most of their energy on the kids and not enough on themselves, ironically, they may be hurting their kids.

Survey offers insight into teens

Evidence from the McCreary Center BC Adolescent Health Survey (AHS) suggests things may not be as bad as sometimes conjectured.

Perspectives: ‘Superstition is magical thinking’

Although the prevalence of social media may lead us to think there is not much left in life that is private, psychologists and counsellors know that we all have secrets and schemas to which we alone are privy.

Is your behaviour hurting your children?

Some of the greatest dangers for children are found in their own homes. Competent parents and caregivers are of course alert and take precautions. Gates on stairs, locks on low cupboards, toxic substances out of reach, lifejackets around the pool. Often forgotten though are the harmful effects of some patterns of parental thinking.

Faith plays important role in a healthy community

According to a paper on “Spirituality in Mentally Healthy Communities”, 2008 was…

Do we have what it takes to make relationships work?

Human pair bonding (aka; marriage, common-law, intimate couple relationships) is an important…