Rob Oleksyn

Oleksyn: Young people, don’t wait to start planning for your retirement

A study by Leger Marketing concludes that young adults under the age of 35 are the least prepared for retirement.

Oleksyn: A peek into the future stampede of boomers

I just don’t think that economic forecasting can be done.

Oleksyn: Establish your retirement goal

A significant amount of research is showing that most Canadians aren’t saving enough!

Oleksyn: Providing basic direction for your life

It’s been my experience, that financial planning is often thought of as being overly complicated.

Oleksyn: A suitcase of emotional baggage best ignored

Relying on emotions can be disastrous for making investment decisions.

Oleksyn: A suitcase of emotional baggage best ignored

It’s natural for people to get emotionally tangled up in the price that they paid for their investments.

Oleksyn: Using the right ‘club’ to make an investment shot

Columnist Robert Oleksyn draws analogy between the need for a variety of golf clubs and a diverse investment portfolio.

Oleksyn: Fate of European economic zone shrouded in uncertainty

One of the recurring topics that I have been asked about this spring concerns the fate of the euro and the European Union.

Olekysn: Europe’s economy stuck in turmoil

The fate of the Euro raises questions for potential investors in the European economy with few answers.

Oleksyn: Don’t let emotions control your investment choices

We live in a timing and selection culture, though research repeatedly shows that unpredictable events mean that no one can forecast markets.

Oleksyn: Take advantage of other investors’ mistakes

My simple message to investors is that if you manage your behaviour you can achieve comparatively superior, long term, real life returns.

Oleksyn: Not all doom and gloom in 2012

For me, a cold, dark and gloomy February winter day is a great time to reflect on 2011 and sneak a peek toward the remainder of 2012.