Robert Barron

Cowichan homeowners asked to rent spare rooms, suites to students

But VIU reports no student housing crisis to date

Liberal Cowichan-Malahat-Langford candidate Herbert hoped for different outcome

Herbert comes third in Cowichan-Malahat-Langford

More balanced approach needed in forestry discussions, advocate tells N. Cowichan council

Stewart Muir says there is a "crisis of understanding" in dialogue

Robert Barron column: Some of us not meant to be TV stars

Our bosses decided they could save money if they combined television and newspaper reporters

Business notes: Smile Cookie campaign on at local Tim Horton locations

The latest from the Cowichan Valley business community

B.C. driving school owner to install dash cams, in spite of prohibition

Mark Anderson said he intends to defy regulations due to better serve his clients

Cowichan driving school owner to install dash cams, in spite of prohibition

Mark Anderson said he intends to defy law

Cowichan residents ponder how – or if – fallen cross should be replaced

Vandals cut down longstanding landmark at the top of Duncan area's Mount Tzouhalem in July

Wellness and Recovery Centre in Duncan on schedule to open in the fall

Island Health project has upset many of its neighbours on York Road

What should replace Tzouhalem cross? Ideas come forward

Vandals cut cross down in July

Controversial Duncan Manor proposal expected to be submitted to city in September

Duncan Housing Society expected to submit rezoning application by end of month

Robert Barron column: I used to hate school

I'm always pleasantly surprised when I go to schools these days

Business notes: New Duncan store offers vintage snacks, clothing and other memorabilia

The latest from the Cowichan Valley business community

Duncan officials to discuss social issues at UBCM

Crime, homelessness, housing, opioid use and other issues mostly outside local jurisidictions

Supportive housing development on Drinkwater Road in Cowichan delayed

Pandemic and wildfires impact schedule

Child treated after getting pepper spray in eye at Duncan park

Spray bottle found in public park