Ross Jewell

Computer Question: ‘Driving’ the computer

The Vernon PC User's Club answers your questions

Computer Question: Don’t focus on coding

The Vernon PC Users' Club looks at whether or not kids should be learning how to code

Computer Question: Slow PC? Take it easy

Ross Jewell of the Vernon PC Users's Club answers that age-old question, what is happening when the Internet slows down?

Computer question: Taking care of this planet

We are nearing the end of the current ice age as the…

Computer question: Time for some timely retro

Ross Jewel, with the Vernon PC Users' Club, shares his memories of the early days of computers

Computer question: Robots on the loose

Ross Jewell, with the Vernon PC Users' Club, looks back on those early days of computing

Computer question: A trip down ‘memory’ lane

Ross Jewell recalls the early days of working in the computer industry and some of the pitfalls of that early technology

Understanding investment vehicles

Comparing long- and short-term investment vehicles.

Computer question: Pop-ups are annoying

A new PC has come with new software, but also a few irritating habits

GUEST COLUMN: Weighing risk

How risk tolerance can affect your investing decisions.

GUEST COLUMN: Reduce investing stress

Stress-saving advice to incorporate into your investment strategy.

Wealth transfer tips

Wealth transfer tips to help you accomplish a variety of financial goals.