Roszan Holmen

Mid-block Pandora crosswalk gets thumbs down from Victoria staff

Our Place patrons virtually only ones crossing in unsafe stretch

Grants will help Victoria’s Street to Homes program continue providing housing

United Way and Victoria Foundation give boost to housing support initiative

2011 mayoral candidates disclose campaign finances

During the 2011 municipal election campaign, Bayview Properties made fairly hefty contributions to both rival mayoral candidates.

City of Victoria’s 2012 budget a ‘short-term fix’

Finance director says hard choices are ahead for council

B.C. Hydro to continue Rock Bay cleanup on Victoria waterfront

Hydro agrees to stabilize two heritage buildings, but demolish a third

Johnson Street Bridge project costs swell to $92.8 million

City of Victoria councillors to be presented with three costing options for proceeding with project

Bill Jewett jumps to avoid a shot during a floor hockey game at the Victoria Cool Aid Society’s Downtown Activity Centre on Pandora Avenue. The centre has been denied a recreation grant by the city.

Level playing field sought for City of Victoria grants

City council is tightening its belt and wants more accountability in its non-profit grants program. Get ready for a shakeup.

Bill Jewett jumps to avoid a shot during a floor hockey game at the Victoria Cool Aid Society’s Downtown Activity Centre on Pandora Avenue. The centre has been denied a recreation grant by the city.
Victoria Conference Centre general manager Jocelyn Jenkyns stands inside Crystal Garden, which was taken over as part of the centre’s facilities in 2008. A contract signed in 1987 between the city and the Fairmont Empress called for the hotel to provide catering services for conferences at the city-operated facility. The city hopes to renegotiate, but has no desire to breach the agreement. Photo below shows the centre’s Balmoral Room.

Victoria taxpayers eat conference centre losses

Victoria Conference Centre managers wish they could renegotiate catering deal with the Fairmont Empress

Victoria Conference Centre general manager Jocelyn Jenkyns stands inside Crystal Garden, which was taken over as part of the centre’s facilities in 2008. A contract signed in 1987 between the city and the Fairmont Empress called for the hotel to provide catering services for conferences at the city-operated facility. The city hopes to renegotiate, but has no desire to breach the agreement. Photo below shows the centre’s Balmoral Room.

City of Victoria seeks to institute law department co-ops, apprenticeships

But CUPE local and city don’t see eye to eye on proposal

Victoria eyes cuts to parks, paths and bike plans to lower tax hit

Balancing city's operating budget will require tough choices

Feds double up on Johnson Street bridge funding

Provincial government still absent from financial picture for Victoria project

Jacqueline Marston, a Grade 11 student at Spectrum Community School, holds up a sign referencing the fictitious boarding school attended by the main character in the Harry Potter books and movies. Marston was part of a Greater Victoria high school student demonstration in support of their teachers outside the B.C. Legislature on Friday.

Zero chance of a negotiated deal, UVic labour expert says

Honking horns and waves of support greeted teachers in Greater Victoria Monday on the first morning of a three-day strike.

Jacqueline Marston, a Grade 11 student at Spectrum Community School, holds up a sign referencing the fictitious boarding school attended by the main character in the Harry Potter books and movies. Marston was part of a Greater Victoria high school student demonstration in support of their teachers outside the B.C. Legislature on Friday.
Richard Leblanc, executive director of Woodwynn Farms, takes a midday break in Ed’s van, which Leblanc is calling home for the foreseeable future.

Woodwynn exec pushes support for rural rehab

Richard Leblanc's Journey to the Edges campaign asks for donations, letters of support for Woodwynn Farms

Richard Leblanc, executive director of Woodwynn Farms, takes a midday break in Ed’s van, which Leblanc is calling home for the foreseeable future.

Half of municipal reps on PCC board resign over land sale strategy

Victoria Coun. Ben Isitt says there is benefit to having city representation on board

City looks at second round of budget cuts

City council still needs to trim $1.3 million to keep tax increase at 3.5%

Provincial Capital Commission land in Langford and View Royal, marked in red, could potentially be sold off under the provincial government's plan to shed excess properties.

Public land on the chopping block?

The B.C. government is keeping tight-lipped about which public properties it intends to sell.

Provincial Capital Commission land in Langford and View Royal, marked in red, could potentially be sold off under the provincial government's plan to shed excess properties.

Negotiations for Victoria baseball team proceed

Victoria city council has given the green light to negotiate with a new baseball team for use of Royal Athletic Park.

Victoria animal control officers get more power

Officers can now enter a property without consent of owners

Victoria backyard trash pickup rules the day

Victoria councillors have backed off a proposed change to garbage collection

Baseball team’s use of park questioned

Victoria council votes tomorrow on whether to enter into negotiations with team owner