Ryan Flaherty

Dorone Smith with some of the paintings he will have on display at the Bowker Creek Brush-Up. Smith is one of three youth artists that have been invited to participate in this year’s event.

Bring on the Brush-Up

This year’s event expected to draw largest turnout ever, including veteran and rookie artists

Dorone Smith with some of the paintings he will have on display at the Bowker Creek Brush-Up. Smith is one of three youth artists that have been invited to participate in this year’s event.

Something fishy in the air

Mystery fish found at Newport Road auto repair shop

Capital Region water use down

Cooler weather, conservation help to lower usage

Late tax payments worth $1M in revenue

Municipality considers new payment options for late-paying homeowners

Dylan Sherlock, University of Victoria Students’ Society director, stands inside the Student Union Building, which could be used as a polling station in the fall municipal election.

Getting out the campus vote early

University of Victoria and its students connect with municipalities on polling initiative

Dylan Sherlock, University of Victoria Students’ Society director, stands inside the Student Union Building, which could be used as a polling station in the fall municipal election.

No byelection for vacant seat

Alan Cassidy's council seat to stay open until November election

To run or not to run? Councillors consider question

Six members of Oak Bay council mull whether to run for re-election in the fall

Mail-based ballot idea for municipal election supported

Oak Bay council looks for way to drive up polling numbers

Willows Beach off-leash dog rules upheld

Summertime is not so easy for beach-loving dog owners

Crafter Tally Heilke shows off the miniature Ninja Turtles she made using a technique known as needle felting. Heilke is taking part in the first IconoCraft show next week in Victoria.

Unique crafting event aims to inspire creativity

Hands-on format allows participants to learn new skills

Crafter Tally Heilke shows off the miniature Ninja Turtles she made using a technique known as needle felting. Heilke is taking part in the first IconoCraft show next week in Victoria.