After months of work in the downtown alleyways, Nelson Hydro has finally connected businesses into its new, higher voltage power system.
Performers in the show Chicago get vocal help from music directing duo Allison Girvan and Desiree Hall.
Each year about a third of the people who sign up for the clinic have never done a triathlon before.
There’s been something of a changing of the guard going on in the Nelson Star newsroom.
The Royal will re-open later this month as a family restaurant and all-ages entertainment spot
The theatre society is also planning a huge two-month membership drive
A musical groove-a-thon is bound for Spiritbar this Saturday as Nelson’s Hornography plays a rare club show.
New charges relate to prior incidents in Nelson and Castlegar
The provincial minister of social development was in Nelson for a firsthand look at the work underway at the CP Rail Station.
A male and female are in custody and the cash they stole was recovered
Teachers will still be teaching classes, communicating with parents and filling out report cards.
City of Nelson doled out about $126,000 in community initiative funding to 38 successful applicants at a council meeting Tuesday night.
A Nelson couple have turned their community pride into a successful small business
Telemark skier Christopher Graham was at Whitewater Ski Resort every single day of operation this past season
Peter Defeo is the longest serving auxiliary firefighter with Nelson Fire Rescue
The Crossing at Granite Pointe will bring three townhome condo buildings to Choquette Avenue
The interactive theatre/music performance will feature a local cast of supporting actors
In Tokyo it became common for high ranking business executives to die suddenly
2014 Nelson Business Excellence Award winners for retail excellence among businesses with under 40 employees.
Neighbours say they’re hoping to convince city council to reject the project during Monday's public hearing.