Sandra Gentleman

Continue the year with balance, strength

Instead of focusing on the number on the scale and losing weight, aim to gain muscle and bone density to become a stronger and healthier you

Raising the red flag on red meat

Mountains of research and study after study from around the world have demonstrated that the more meat people eat, the higher risk of cancer

Healthy eating is tough on the poverty line

In a culture literally surrounded by food, it doesn’t seem possible that there would be so many people experiencing daily hunger pangs.

Be SMART and get a good head start

It’s an ideal time to start making positive changes in lifestyle habits with better food choices and more established activity routines.

Moving more with fun activities will counter 'sitting disease'.

Keep healthy into the golden years

HEALTHY LIVING: Some of North America's chronic diseases are preventable, says dietitian Sandra Gentleman.

Moving more with fun activities will counter 'sitting disease'.

Keep hydrated during dry season

Port Alberni is one of the hottest valleys on Vancouver Island, and with the heat comes the real risk of dehydration.

Fresh fruits and vegetables help with bowel regularity when you’re older.

Eat healthy in order to age well

Is there a way to age more gracefully?

Fresh fruits and vegetables help with bowel regularity when you’re older.
Good nutrition means good life for seniors.

Good nutrition is a pillar to seniors’ health, quality of life

As people grow older, good nutrition is critical for quality of life and prevention of the downward spiral of decline in health.

Good nutrition means good life for seniors.
The slow food trend is seeing more families taking time to prepare and eat meals together.

Nourishment comes from appreciating food

Around the world, people have many different diets and ways of eating.

The slow food trend is seeing more families taking time to prepare and eat meals together.
It’s all about balance, not cleansing

It’s all about balance, not cleansing

Are you able to find some balance in life?

It’s all about balance, not cleansing

Eating and breathing: essentials for life

Many people are surprised to learn that foods and diet can affect breathing, especially if they have a chronic lung condition.

HEALTHY LIVING: What’s good for the heart is good for the prostate

You are what you eat” is a saying that can mean so many different things to people.

Seniors can prevent falls by adhering to a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamin D.

Keep bones strong in your senior years

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalization for seniors in Canada.

Seniors can prevent falls by adhering to a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamin D.

How salty are you? Pressure’s rising over sodium

Most Canadians consume about double the amount of salt than what is needed.

Beans, beans, they’re good for your…heart?

Beans are a versatile and heart-healthy addition to your summer menu, says Alberni Valley dietician.

Brain health part of an active lifestyle

Loss of brain functions can all be affected by lifestyle factors including diet, exercise and other environmental influences

Eat your way to long-term good vision

There is mounting evidence to suggest certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients can help prevent the progression of chronic eye conditions

Arts around: Meet mosaic artist at Rollin

A smattering of this, that and the other in Port Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Better meals promote better health for everyone

People who share meals together generally eat more nutritious foods regularly and have better nutritional status overall.

HEALTHY LIVING: Eating on $26 a week

What would you buy if you only had $26 per week for food?