Sandy Macdougall

A tale not of world class health care

A tale not of world class health care

An elderly diabetic woman recently arrived at Ridge hospital with pneumonia, high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

A tale not of world class health care
Name change won’t make difference

Name change won’t make difference

Switch to city status will make Maple Ridge more marketable to far flung places.

Name change won’t make difference
COLUMN: Albion, downtown still struggling

COLUMN: Albion, downtown still struggling

Sandy Macdougall is a retired journalist and former district councillor.

COLUMN: Albion, downtown still struggling
Talk triumphs over protecting kids

Good old days, way things were

Many old-time residents will recall local Mountie Al Millhouse.

Talk triumphs over protecting kids
How is prohibition working for us?

How is prohibition working for us?

Government leaders still cling to the system which created huge revenue streams from the sale and regulations governing alcohol.

How is prohibition working for us?

Column: Let me tell you about Christmas

Every commercial huckster in the known universe has been out there preying upon folks who celebrate the season.

Getting older really isn’t that bad

Getting older really isn’t that bad

The old saying “Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse” had become Sandy MacDougall's mantra.

Getting older really isn’t that bad
A disturbing memory of Riverview

A disturbing memory of Riverview

For most mentally ill people, large warehouse type facilities are not the answer

A disturbing memory of Riverview
A disturbing memory of Riverview

Deluded if you think crime rate down

It reminds me of Mark Twain’s famous quote: “There are three kinds of lies – lies, damned lies and statistics.”

A disturbing memory of Riverview
COLUMN: Hooped without a good dental plan

COLUMN: Hooped without a good dental plan

Sandy Macdougall is a retired journalist and former District of Maple Ridge councillor who writes monthly for The News.

COLUMN: Hooped without a good dental plan
Gambling on future fiscal stability

TransLink, the biggest rip-off of all

Local councils have been forced to relinquish much of the control over their own official community plans to Metro.

Gambling on future fiscal stability
A myopic view of Ridge development

A myopic view of Ridge development

Municipal council needs even more Coun. Bells and fewer development-oriented, conflicted councillors.

A myopic view of Ridge development
Sandy Macdougall

Municipal business quite lucrative

Taxpayers are burdened with excessive senior staff salaries with the end result being a Rolls Royce bureaucracy in a Chevrolet world.

Sandy Macdougall
The Bourbon rulers of ancient France

The Bourbon rulers of ancient France

Someone should review Maple Ridge’s history of commercial real estate investment for the current edition of municipal council.

The Bourbon rulers of ancient France

Legalization tied to bottom line

Put the marijuana out there alongside the lettuce and green beans

Time is up for Maple Ridge municipal golf course

Time is up for Maple Ridge municipal golf course

The course currently generates $140,000 per year in lease payments for use of the approximately 40-acre site.

Time is up for Maple Ridge municipal golf course
Sandy Macdougall

Sidewinder: Cries of change for regional transit

Easily the most outstanding example of a regional function run amok in terms of services provided to outlying municipalities.

Sandy Macdougall