Serena Caner

Tips for making and taking breakfast

March is Nutrition Month in Canada and this year’s theme is “Make it and Take it.”

Making the most of milk

At about 10 to seven every night, she stops whatever she is doing, walks to the kitchen, points at the fridge, and chants…

Shift work poses extra challenges

One challenging weight loss situation is when people are working afternoon or evening shifts.

Select the right oil for the job

I learned my lesson about overheating oils in grade seven. My mom was in hospital getting surgery, leaving dad to run the kitchen

Changing a few habits can reap big benefits

“I just want to lose twenty pounds!” Unfortunately, New Year’s resolutions are easy to make, but hard to achieve.

The tale of the dietician who stole Christmas

The people of Salmon Arm liked Christmas a lot…But the dietitian, Who lived just north, Did NOT!

Cultivate your ‘eating competence’

The holiday season has arrived, and with it comes anxiety about holiday weight gain.

A lack of sleep can alter your eating habits

MaMa! Maaa-Ma! This is the sound of my human alarm clock, waking me promptly around 6 o’clock every morning.

Do you need a vitamin D supplement?

Winter is coming and soon many of us will be spending most of our non-working hours in the dark.

Trying to beat the battle of the school lunch

My daughter started preschool last year, and because she was not quite ready for the transition, I also attended preschool.

Sometimes a simple supper offers more satisfaction

One of the biggest challenges of being a working parent is suppertime

Coconut oil – delicious, but is it nutritious?

I recently saw a client who had started eating spoonfuls of coconut oil to help her cholesterol levels.

Developing veggie love

Developing a veggie garden could help get children invested in eating healthy

Paleo diet omits modern lifestyle factors

Recently, I was at a potluck where despite the wide array of delicious food, many people were only eating meat and the veggie platter.

Preparation’s the problem with potatoes

Potatoes are healthy; however, the problem with potatoes is in the way we eat them.

Facing one of the tough realities of weight loss

Diets have been around for decades, and despite the absence of any evidence that they produce significant long-term weight loss…

Nutrition extends to schools

Valentine’s Day has passed, and like most holidays is celebrated by our children with candy, chocolate and sweets.

Keeping family meals healthy, affordable

Sometimes our house will be a disaster, there will be no clean laundry, but four food groups will still be on the table

Thinking shifts to healthy eating at every size

The new movement is health at every size – eating nutritious foods to satisfy hunger and finding physical activities that you enjoy.

New flavours of water come with cautions

Regular water trumps costly alternative beverages.