Sharron Ho

Some locals wants seniors’ age to be 60 rather than current 65

Some Sooke residents want the age of a "senior" to be lowered

Pelle Gustavs, 20, pictured at the Powell River Island Cup Series on May 6.

Young cyclist comes home victorious

Pelle Gustavs, 20, placed second in his age category (20-29) at the Coaster

Pelle Gustavs, 20, pictured at the Powell River Island Cup Series on May 6.
Marley, 13, coasts alongside the rim of the Sooke Skate Park.

Skateboard fundraiser huge success

Dozens of members of the community participated to show support

Marley, 13, coasts alongside the rim of the Sooke Skate Park.

Fitness program needs equipment

An alternative all-women's fitness class is hoping local residents will donate work out gear

Sooke Storm Boys Basketball Club player Alex Wright dribbles the ball toward the Westshore Dogs’ net.

Storm Boys Basketball Club takes loss

The first community season game ends with a 44-88 loss against the Westshore Dogs at EMCS

Sooke Storm Boys Basketball Club player Alex Wright dribbles the ball toward the Westshore Dogs’ net.

Bystanders douse flames

People just driving by spot fire at a local residence

Crisis at the Sooke Crisis Centre

More people requesting assistance than in the past

(Back left to right) Cadets Jake Poirier, 16, Kianna Plonka, 14, Johnathan Dyer, 16, and Drew Sherlow, 16, take their hands to a an actual fire hose on April 27. (Front) Career fire fighter Cam Norris-Jones directs cadets.

Fire cadets learn the ropes

The District of Sooke has initiated a program to recruit future firefighters

(Back left to right) Cadets Jake Poirier, 16, Kianna Plonka, 14, Johnathan Dyer, 16, and Drew Sherlow, 16, take their hands to a an actual fire hose on April 27. (Front) Career fire fighter Cam Norris-Jones directs cadets.

Sooke fishing derby cancelled

Sooke’s largest derby will be cancelled for the first time in 25 years

EMCS player Chris Morberg gets tackled and tossed over during a 7 aside rugby game on April 19 against Pacific Christian School.

Local rugby players get serious

The Wolverines intend on ramping up their game to compete with experienced teams

EMCS player Chris Morberg gets tackled and tossed over during a 7 aside rugby game on April 19 against Pacific Christian School.

25-year-old salmon derby cancelled

Local economy will likely suffer with loss of popular derby

Just ‘tween you and me: program for parents and teens

Sooke Family Resource Society offers popular six-week program

RCMP Cpl. Cottingham congratulates the D.A.R.E. grads at Ecole Poirier Elementary school.

New crop of students graduate from D.A.R.E.

Ecole Poirier students learn about harms of drugs and alcohol

RCMP Cpl. Cottingham congratulates the D.A.R.E. grads at Ecole Poirier Elementary school.

Sooke represented by photos in national contest

Sooke Rotary send in photo submissions of local volunteers

Hockey legend holds nation-wide contest

Hayley Wickenheiser, one of the world’s greatest hockey players, reaches out to young players

A fire fighter speaks to the driver inside of the vehicle.

Mini-van crashes into power line near Dumont Tire

There are currently 2,062 residences without power, according to BC Hydro

A fire fighter speaks to the driver inside of the vehicle.
The coast guard were seen circling over the Sooke Harbour around 8:30 a.m. this morning.

Sooke Harbour diesel spill evaporated

The Sooke Fire Department responded to a diesel spill around 8 p.m. yesterday night

The coast guard were seen circling over the Sooke Harbour around 8:30 a.m. this morning.
EMCS Youth for Change want people to be aware.

Youth organize fundraiser

EMCS Youth for Change are humanitarians who are raising funds for various causes

EMCS Youth for Change want people to be aware.
Sooke Boxing Club coach Tony Brogan will bike to gym hours on Tuesdays and Fridays from Colwood -- the halfway point of his commute from North Saanich.

Fitness fiend to bike into town

Sooke Boxing Club coach bikes to Sooke from Colwood for health

Sooke Boxing Club coach Tony Brogan will bike to gym hours on Tuesdays and Fridays from Colwood -- the halfway point of his commute from North Saanich.
A memorial cross erected at the crash site made by EMCS students.

Community grieving over death of teen

Nicolas Twiddy is being mourned by students at Edward Milne Community School

A memorial cross erected at the crash site made by EMCS students.