Sheri Regnier

Trail-born talent on Instagram

Janice McLean's paintings are on exhibit at the Vancouver Fine Art Gallery

September is bustling for the Greater Trail RCMP

Highlights from the Trail and Greater District RCMP detachment calls this month to date

Trail airman and 22 others killed in Germany 77 years ago will be honoured livestream from Europe, Saturday

Jack McVie, killed in action over Germany on Sept. 24, 1944, lies in the Rheinberg War Cemetery.

Trail clarifies where proof of vaccination is needed

Vaccine requirements for spectators at non-ticketed events is still being clarified.

Improper use of bear-proof bins prompts advisory to Trail community

Trail council first partnered with Natural Control Alternatives in 2009 …

No horsin’ around, Trail police called to resolve manure spat

The argument between neighbours happened at a rural property in Rossland on Sunday

Trail nuclear medicine tech recognized with award of excellence

Chris earned the highest mark in Canada on his 2020 Nuclear Medicine Certification Exam

Trail RCMP ready to enforce vaccine card order

Businesses have already voiced concerns they will be targeted by those opposed

Trail RCMP remind locals to lock their car doors

Police briefs: Suspected thief and streakers downtown

NextGen Transit awarded contract for service in Kootenay Lake West

NextGen was formerly Trail Transit

Trail first responders urge locals to remove pallets and cardboard from properties

These materials are being used to build makeshift shelters and/or start fires to keep warm

Hospital campaign starts with a challenge to Kootenay Boundary businesses

Two-year $750,000 Ambulatory Care Campaign now underway by KBRH Health Foundation

Trail clarifies where proof of vaccination is needed

Vaccine requirements for spectators at non-ticketed events is still being clarified.

Warfield to host first harvest picking day

Residents will get a flyer in their mailbox outlining the steps to register for the Sept. 25 event

$50,000 donation honours father and will bring Fruitvale community together

The Ryder family legacy began in 1965 when Brian and his wife Ruth landed in Fruitvale.

Buy a Smile Cookie and support hospital in Trail

Tim Hortons annual fundraiser — in Trail proceeds go to KBRH — runs until Sept. 19

Ongoing vandalism at Fruitvale Elementary School puts children in harm’s way

The school is located at 1867 Columbia Gardens Road in Fruitvale

Stoney Creek Road on the outskirts of Trail closed to vehicles on Wednesday

This road provides access to Tadanac; pedestrian crossing will be available

Streakers reported to Trail RCMP

Greater Trail RCMP: Party-goers asked to keep their clothes on

Trail advises proof of COVID vaccine required for certain services

Province orders all people born in 2009 or earlier must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 24.