Toby Gorman

Parksville-Qualicum MLA Michelle Stilwell addresses a crowd of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital staff, administrators and volunteers Friday at the hospital as part of the hospital’s 50th anniversary celebration. NRGH officially opened Jan. 6, 1963.

Community celebrates Nanaimo hospital’s 50th anniversary

NANAIMO – Staff, volunteers thanked for making hospital top-notch facility

Parksville-Qualicum MLA Michelle Stilwell addresses a crowd of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital staff, administrators and volunteers Friday at the hospital as part of the hospital’s 50th anniversary celebration. NRGH officially opened Jan. 6, 1963.

Options sought to replace aging Port Drive trestle

NANAIMO – Only access point to newly acquired property will be decommissioned in 2016.

Downtown Nanaimo merchants, property owners approve BIA mandate

NANAIMO – Critics say time for matching taxpayer grant should come to an end.

City of Nanaimo to demolish unsafe downtown building

NANAIMO – Former theatre has had portions of roof collapsing since early May.

City of Nanaimo addresses safety of sex trade workers

NANAIMO – Council approves one-time grant of $7,000 to begin peer-based program

Flood dampens Nanaimo trade mission to Calgary

NANAIMO – Despite flooding, inaugural WestJet flight from Nanaimo to Calgary proceeds.

Delegation hopes economic opportunities take flight with WestJet service to Calgary

NANAIMO – Reduced number of business delegates will take inaugural WestJet flight from Nanaimo to Calgary.

A hazmat suit-clad ProPacific Restoration worker stretches to tear away 80-year-old shingles containing asbestos from the roof of St. Paul’s Anglican Church Wednesday morning. The work, contracted by Stint Construction, will cost an estimated $350,000 and is expected to be completed by the end of August.

St. Paul’s to receive new roof, major renovations

NANAIMO – Church looking to expand community outreach abilities, improve access.

A hazmat suit-clad ProPacific Restoration worker stretches to tear away 80-year-old shingles containing asbestos from the roof of St. Paul’s Anglican Church Wednesday morning. The work, contracted by Stint Construction, will cost an estimated $350,000 and is expected to be completed by the end of August.

Nanaimo, Lantzville to pursue water deal

NANAIMO – Critics say conservation, other issues not being addressed.

COLUMN: Rebuild trust, then deal with dams

NANAIMO – Citizens trust city is acting in their best interests regarding Colliery Dam Park.

Permanent farmers’ market in Nanaimo almost ready to take root

NANAIMO – Directors hopeful lease agreement for 540 Milton St. will be signed, market could open in August.

City takes action on decrepit building

NANAIMO – Strong breeze could collapse walls of former Chapel Street theatre

Nanaimo City Council moves ahead with dam removal

NANAIMO – More than 40 people plead with council to consider alternatives at Monday's meeting.

Davey Tree Services employees Matthew McDonald, left, and Tyler Haslam begin chipping a large pile of scotch broom at the Nanaimo Fire Rescue training centre Thursday. The broom was collected during Nanaimo’s Invasive  Plant Awareness Month, designed to educate the public on the consequences of invasive species.

City, volunteers work to eliminate scotch broom

Invasive Plant Awareness Month intended to educate public on consequences of alien species.

Davey Tree Services employees Matthew McDonald, left, and Tyler Haslam begin chipping a large pile of scotch broom at the Nanaimo Fire Rescue training centre Thursday. The broom was collected during Nanaimo’s Invasive  Plant Awareness Month, designed to educate the public on the consequences of invasive species.

City seeks court order ahead of Colliery protest

NANAIMO – City officials take pre-emptive action to kill planned civil disobedience at Colliery Dam Park.

Mayor appreciates gesture from wireless providers

NANAIMO - CWTA returns $22,000 city lost in court ruling to impose 911 call levy on wireless providers.

Erik Duivenvoorde, owner of Paydump, demonstrates how his prototype garbage disposal system at Country Club Centre works. In its test stage, Duivenvoorde said he is encouraged by how much use his service is already receiving.

Mid-Island entrepreneur testing garbage disposal prototype in Nanaimo

NANAIMO – Paydump catching on at Country Club Centre.

Erik Duivenvoorde, owner of Paydump, demonstrates how his prototype garbage disposal system at Country Club Centre works. In its test stage, Duivenvoorde said he is encouraged by how much use his service is already receiving.

Nanaimo addresses budget stress by releasing senior manager

NANAIMO – Vacant position will save city $170,000 annually.

Nanaimo sailors prepare with months of planning

NANAIMO – Black Press Van Isle 360 includes skippers from the Hub City.

Nanaimo Airport operations manager Reg Brady demonstrates how the new runway condition reporting system works Friday at Nanaimo Airport. The $30,000 device, paid for through the Airports Capital Assistance Program, will greatly reduce conditions reporting time and enhance runway safety.

Federal money allows upgrade to runway reporting technology

NANAIMO – ACAP-funded runway condition reporting system improves safety, efficiency

Nanaimo Airport operations manager Reg Brady demonstrates how the new runway condition reporting system works Friday at Nanaimo Airport. The $30,000 device, paid for through the Airports Capital Assistance Program, will greatly reduce conditions reporting time and enhance runway safety.