Ute Juras

Spring is about a new start in Canal Flats

It is February and the groundhog predicted an early spring, which means new beginnings and rebirth.

Regional Rundown: 2016 is a blank canvas for Canal Flats

To say that 2015 was a challenging year for Canal Flats would be an understatement.

Regional Rundown: Hopeful about Canal Flats’ future

it was agreed to have a working group explore options of other products or value-added products for our mill.

Village staff are doing an excellent job

What is the difference between the role of council and the role of staff?

Regional Rundown: Change must be embraced by Canal Flats

This time around, I would like to talk a little bit about community engagement.

Regional Rundown: Canal Flats welcomes Family Resource Centre

‘Tis the season for taxes and Village of Canal Flats council has been working very hard on the budget.

Regional Rundown: Cause for celebration

Canal Flats has experienced a lot of negativity with the situation of the mill and the morale has been very low

Regional Rundown: Canal Flats works together in troubled times

The number one issue on everybody’s mind in Canal Flats is the announcement by Canfor that it will reduce the Canal Flats mill operation

Regional Rundown: Annual budget process is starting new year

Canal Flats council is starting the new year by diving into the annual budget process.

Regional Rundown: Proud of what Canal Flats has accomplished

last Regional Rundown submission until after the municipal election in November

The White Tail Brook crackles with visible flames and sends up smoke.

Regional Rundown: Canal Flats keeps watchful eye on wildfire

We are certainly enjoying a wonderful summer with plenty of warm temperatures and little rain.

The White Tail Brook crackles with visible flames and sends up smoke.

Regional Rundown: Progress taking place in Canal Flats

A lot is happening in Canal Flats right now as we are moving toward the summer season.

Regional Rundown: Bylaws 101: if it doesn’t work, fix it

I have had many compliments from visitors as well as residents on how our little town has improved in look and feel.

Canal Flats at work on a community brand

This means that residents in Canal Flats will be able to access the centre’s services without having to travel to Invermere.