5ive Corners Art Gallery

Artist Huey Billy recently opened 5ive Corners Art Gallery to bring more local artwork to the forefront of the community.

Artist Huey Billy recently decided to open 5ive Corners Art Gallery to bring local artwork to the forefront of the community.

Artist Huey Billy recently decided to open 5ive Corners Art Gallery to bring local artwork to the forefront of the community.

Downtown Chilliwack is now home to 5ive Corners Art Gallery, curated and owned by artist Huey Billy.

Huey has been creating and selling pieces from home studios in Spences Bridge, Sea Bird Island and Chilliwack for more than 10 years.

“I’m always drawing and painting,” he said, “because I love to see the emotion and inspiration that it brings out in others.”

He recently decided to open the gallery to bring local artwork to the forefront of the community.

While the walls of 5ive Corners Art Gallery hold more than 50 of Huey’s pencil crayon or acrylic pieces, it’s an open door for other local artists to showcase their skills as well.

Huey curates art that is meaningful to people from all walks of life because it is made by artists from all walks of life. He regularly attends markets, pow-wows and elders gatherings in nearby communities where he’s developed a substantial network of local artisans and carvers, from youth to retirees.

“I welcome everyone,” he said. “That’s why I opened up, I’d really like for the locals to bring their hobbies and crafts into the gallery. Let’s get them noticed.”

Some of the artists whose work is already in the gallery include Gary Johnson, Gord Dewan, Brad Starr, Betty Joe, Ron Philip, and Steve Charlie.

In addition to prints, the gallery displays masks, totem poles, scroll saw art, and other handcrafted items like beaded jewellery, dreamcatchers, moccasins, medicine pouches and more.

“Everyone has some sort of talent, and I want them to know that we’re here as an outlet for them.”

Huey and wife Buddy explored many locations in Chilliwack prior to settling in at the intersection of Wellington and Main.

In this business, “it’s key to be in a location where people will come and visit and look around,” Huey explained. “We’re very blessed to have gotten in here.”

Since opening in October, Huey has experienced a lot of excitement and questions from the public, and a warm welcome from all of his neighbours on the block.

And thanks to the new signage designed by local artist Fred Jackson and printed and installed by Ace Signs and Awnings, the gallery is easily recognizable to passing drivers and pedestrians.

Huey encourages downtown shoppers to stop in from time to time to check out what’s new in the constantly changing inventory.

Though he’s only a month in, he’s already looking to bring in clothing, jewellery and other unique customer suggestions in the future.

“It’s one stepping stone at a time,” he said.

Visit 5ive Corners Art Gallery at 45883 Wellington Ave, next to Creekside Home Decor.


Chilliwack Progress