A Business Waste Audit tool kit is now available to borrow

The Columbia Shuswap Regional Districthas developed a Business Waste Audit Tool Kit

Leah Blain


The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) has developed a Business Waste Audit Tool Kit that is available for any business within the Regional District to borrow.

“The kit has step-by-step instructions and everything you need to do the audit,” says Waste Reduction Facilitator Carmen Fennell. “It is geared for any type of commercial business, whether it is an office, retail, or food based.”

The audit involves going through one day’s worth (or several days’ worth) of refuse and sorting it into appropriate piles.  The kit provides a tarp, gloves, bags, labels, a scale and an assessment form.

“Once you realize how much material can be diverted by recycling, the amount of waste can often be reduced drastically.  Not only does that mean saving money by taking fewer loads to the landfill, but it also helps the environment by diverting material that can be recycled,” says Fennell.

After a few months, the process is repeated to gauge improvements.

Helping businesses find ways of waste reduction was one of the recommendations of the 2009 Solid Waste Reduction Plan.

“This is one way the CSRD is supporting businesses decrease what they’re sending to the landfill.  We’re even prepared to help if it’s needed.”

The CSRD will publicly recognize a business that has taken the time and effort to do the audit and shows they’re sending less refuse to the landfill.

“The CSRD will be creating and presenting a ‘Sustainability Award’ to the business that takes a real leadership role in promoting sustainability.”

For more info on the Business Waste Audit Tool Kit visit the CSRD website or contact Fennell at 250-833-5936.


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