A driftwood Christmas

Cheryl Iwanowsky of Blue Fish Gallery has a unique Christmas tree in her store.

Cheryl Iwanowsky, owner of Blue Fish Gallery, checks out the fair trade decorations hanging from a West Coast driftwood Christmas tree that artist Daryl Duperron created especially for the uptown Port Alberni gallery. Duperron canoes around Sproat Lake looking for pieces of wood suitable for his trees.

Cheryl Iwanowsky, owner of Blue Fish Gallery, checks out the fair trade decorations hanging from a West Coast driftwood Christmas tree that artist Daryl Duperron created especially for the uptown Port Alberni gallery. Duperron canoes around Sproat Lake looking for pieces of wood suitable for his trees.

A west coast artist gives Blue Fish Gallery owner Cheryl Iwanowsky inspiration and a unique driftwood tree for display.

Alberni Valley News