A new arrival in Trail

Pacific Coastal employees and airport volunteers welcomed passengers to Trail on the airline’s new afternoon arrival time of 1:15pm Tuesday.

Pacific Coastal employees and airport volunteers welcomed passengers to Trail on the airline’s new afternoon arrival time of 1:15 p.m. Tuesday. To conicide with its six years of service in Trail, Pacific Coastal has revamped its scheduled routes to and from Vancouver with an additional later flight that leaves Vancouver at 4:40 p.m. and departs from Trail at 6:20 p.m., Sunday through Friday. The airline has also added a second flight on Saturdays. Company representatives, local politicians and residents gathered at the Trail Regional Airport Tuesday afternoon to mark the momentous occasion with a small gathering that included a speech from Pacific Coastal vice president Spencer Smith, hot dogs and cake. For more information on the airline’s new schedule, visit pacificcoastal.com

Trail Daily Times