Achieve your goals

It’s hard to turn the TV on these days without seeing some kind of year-in-review show. Each recap brings to our attention the top tragedies and triumphs of 2010.

It’s hard to turn the TV on these days without seeing some kind of year-in-review show. Each recap brings to our attention the top tragedies and triumphs of 2010.

Has your business had a year-in-review show yet? What were your successes and failures? What moments were special and which ones should be forgotten?

How many of your 2010 objectives were met? Why were some met and others not met?

Set aside reflective time to honestly assess what worked and what didn’t work in your business.

Use the following tips for setting and achieving your 2011 business goals:

n Review your business plan making revisions to your mission and vision statement based on the previous years’ results.

n Set the goal so it is in line with your business mission and vision.

n Use specific and measurable details for each goal.

n List the resources needed to achieve the goal.

n List the assets you currently have to make the goal possible.

n Identify any blocks or obstacles standing in the way.

n List any significant milestones to reach and include the dates you want to reach them by.

n List the actions required to meet the first milestone by a given date.

n Build in a reward or celebration for when you do reach that goal.

Achieving your goals is easy when you write them down as if they have already happened.

For example at the end of March, I will have successfully added an e-commerce site to my business.

Now break that goal down into manageable chunks of time. Write down what action you will take each month, each week, and each day to accomplish your goal.

Your goals and actions should work together. If you have set a goal to complete one activity per day toward creating your online business, schedule time to complete the task, commit to that time and do it.

If you state the goal in the positive by working for what you want and not what you want to leave behind, you will experience better results in 2011.

Louise Maurice Taylor, the Okanagan Valley Business Coach, can be reached at

Vernon Morning Star