Act of kindness

horse lake garden replaces plants

There is balance in our world.

When something negative happens, more often than not, something positive fills the void.

Such is the case of the recently vandalized flower pots planted for the enjoyment of the residents, businesses and tourists.

After reading the story about the flowers being yanked from their containers, Roger and Marcia Stratton of Horse Lake Gardens, pulled up with a truck-load of colourful plants and restocked the containers at the Little Wool Shop.

My friend Diana Worthington says their thoughtfulness and generosity made her day, and that “acts of kindness warms the heart.”

Kindness and generosity are positive actions which have influence, faith is restored in your fellow man, and people react positively.

If people have information on the vandalism, they can call the 100 Mile House RCMP at 250-395-2434 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).


100 Mile House Free Press