A car wash organized by iFund Lending Aug. 15 raised $5,180 for relief efforts in the Horn of Africa.

A car wash organized by iFund Lending Aug. 15 raised $5,180 for relief efforts in the Horn of Africa.

Africa relief efforts boosted

Famine relief efforts in the Horn of Africa received a recent boost after a car wash event in South Surrey raised more than $5,000 for the cause.

Organized by iFund Lending, the Aug. 15 fundraiser collected cash, credit card and matching donations; in all, $5,180 was donated to the Canadian Red Cross.

“It’s very gratifying to see so many people contribute to the very worthy cause of famine relief,” said Gordon Bylo, chief operating officer of iFund.

“The money is already at work helping families during the Horn of Africa famine.”


Peace Arch News