BC Wine Institute announces governance review

An independent third-party review of the organization's governance structure will be undertaken.

The British Columbia Wine Institute announced today (April 15, 2014) it has commenced an independent third-party review of the organization’s governance structure. In making the announcement, BCWI president Miles Prodan spoke of the changes to the B.C. wine industry since the current BC Wine Institute Society, operating as the BCWI, was put in place eight years ago.

“When our current structure was put in place there were 131 grape wineries in B.C., today there are 235,” said Prodan.

“While that growth has propelled the B.C. wine industry to contribute $2 billion a year to the B.C. economy, the current board of directors believes now is the time to give pause and ensure the BCWI is structured properly for our continued success in the future.”

Prodan also spoke of the impact that the Parliamentary Secretary John Yap Liquor Policy Review had on the decision to undertake the review. “The recent government review of the province’s liquor policies has resulted in a number of recommendations that are positive for the continued success of the B.C. wine industry,” said Prodan.

“It’s also an appropriate time for the BCWI to ensure, as an organization, we’re positioned properly to maximize the opportunities and continue to build and expand the BC VQA category here in B.C. and around the world,” he said.

A timeline for the review process will be circulated to BCWI members, along with regular progress updates.

The review will focus on all areas of the organization, including, but not limited to: internal governance; board structure; member winery representation and membership communications strategy.

The purpose of the review will be to ensure that the BCWI continues to meet or exceed members’ expectations and expands the opportunities for British Columbians who earn their livings in the B.C. wine industry.

In undertaking this review, it is expected that all BCWI members will have an opportunity to provide input into the review process.

Final recommendations will be implemented and enacted subject to member approval and bylaw changes, as required.

BC Wine and Grape Industry Facts

• The BC Wine Industry’s $2 billion economic impact is a significant driver to the B.C. economy. For every bottle of wine produced in the province, there is $42 of economic impact generated.

• BC wine economy has 235 grape wineries and more than 864 vineyards on more than 9,800 acres of land.

• More than 10,000 people have jobs in B.C. as a result of the wine and grape industry.

• The BC wine industry generates $476 million in tourism and tourism employment related economic impact.


About the British Columbia Wine Institute

Since 1990, the BCWI has played a pivotal role in taking B.C.’s wine industry from a vision to an internationally recognized niche region producing premium wines and providing quality wine tourism experiences.

Representing 138 member wineries throughout the province, the BCWI supports and markets the Wines of British Columbia (BC VQA), which gives consumers assurance they are buying a wine that is made from 100 per cent B.C. grapes.

The BCWI also markets the Wine Regions of British Columbia; delivers quality trade, media and consumer tastings; and acts as the voice of B.C.’s wine industry by advocating to government on behalf of its members. Learn more at www.winebc.com.




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