Bean Bag Coffee Roasters – The perfect blend

Golden's local coffee shop, the Bean Bag Coffee Roasters.

Golden's local coffee shop, the Bean Bag Coffee Roasters.

If you are walking down lovely “main” street in Golden, BC and you begin to smell burnt toast, fear not, you are not having health complications. In fact, what may be wafting up your nostrils may not, at the time, smell the most appealing, but if you were to follow your nose, you’d be pleased once you arrived at the doorsteps of Bean Bag Coffee Roasters (BBCR).

Originally started as an at-home coffee roasting business by Heather Whittaker in 1999, it took some time before BBCR was turned into the “place to go” for coffee in downtown Golden. Fast-forward to 2005, and BBCR had morphed from a small at-home business into a large, full service coffee bar, all the while under new owner/operator/roastmaster and mother to Heather, Patti Lim.

Patti’s passion for coffee is evident when she speaks of the roasting process; all which she does in store with 100 per cent Arabic Beans.

“I truly enjoy the roasting process, especially the end result. It’s fun for me. It’s rewarding when I receive comments and compliments about the coffee both in person and on our website,” Patti Lim said with coffee flowing behind her smiling eyes.

Shortly after taking over BBCR from her daughter, Patti decided to equip her modern coffee bar with a sophisticated looking coffee roaster; a machine that not only transforms green coffee beans into unbelievable coffee, it is also a machine that Patti adores. When Patti speaks of her roasting techniques, it is immediately evident that she has discovered her true passion.

“I take pleasure in roasting the beans just right, producing the best cup of coffee possible. Everything is done fresh; we roast and package our beans fresh to order. Our coffee is not only popular here in Golden, but across the country…and world. We’ve shipped our beans to Australia, Florida, Hawaii, and pretty much all across Canada too,” Lim explained.

From true connoisseurs to your everyday “joe” drinker, the consensus is that the coffee at BBCR is delightful. Be it with a hint of brown sugar, a splash of cream, or frothed-up in a latte, the coffee is enjoyed by anyone who follows their nose to the roastery.

“One time a few Italian tourists came in after smelling our roast outside; they knew what the smell was. They thoroughly enjoyed our coffee once they sat down with a cup. I guess that says something about our product…Italians know their coffee,” husband and co-owner, Stan Lim added with a chuckle.

So, when wandering about in Golden, stop by Bean Bag Coffee Roasters for some great coffee or tea at 521 9th Avenue North (“Main Street”). Or find them online ( and order yourself some coffee, no matter where you may call home.

Golden Star