Bikes, accessories on auction block

Although this has been a disappointment for some, the closure of Mount Washington's downhill extreme bike trails is a win for others.

Although this has been a disappointment for some, the closure of Mount Washington’s downhill extreme bike trails is a win for others.

Approximately 30 downhill mountain bikes and hundreds of accessories will be on the auction block Aug. 13 at 6 p.m. at Auction House Vancouver Island in Comox.

Items can be viewed online at or in person at 1611 Hudson Rd. in Comox.

“It’s sometimes sad to see businesses closing, or partial sections being shut down,” says Jean Rowe, auctioneer/owner of AHVi. “However, it’s a new chapter for Mount Washington and for whatever reason the closure, I’m sure it was purely a business decision.

“Anyone that now participates, or is contemplating on buying a bike, or those involved in BMX riding, there is so much equipment and helmets for sale, it will be a great place to get top-end products at a reasonable cost.”

Rowe is the sole owner and auctioneer for Auction House Vancouver Island, and sees many closures of businesses. However, new buyers come in and get great equipment for their new business.

“I call it the ultimate recycling business,” she said. “It’s the only business where the buyer decides if the price fits into a specific budget. The buyer can control the price they want to pay for specific items. It’s a great way to buy quality furniture, collectibles, antiques, jewelry, and gold and silver for investment or purely for enjoyment.

“An auctioneer can have a lot of fun with the crowd and every Tuesday at 6 p.m. we gather for auctions and have quite an entertaining evening. You never know what you’ll find.”

For more information contact Auction House Vancouver Island at 250-941-1999.

Comox Valley Record