Business profile: Golden Bakery

Business profile: Golden Bakery

The Golden Bakery has been serving up classics and keeping up with current trends for 50 years

By Sarah Wegelin

Family owned and operated since 1970, the Golden Bakery serves the community with classic baked goods, reflecting current trends without compromising taste, and provides families, workers, and seniors with a hub to gather for breakfast and lunch.

Co-owner and operator, Darren Dusevic says he is proud the Golden Bakery is a part of the community.

“I’m proud of the fact that we’re part of the town. It’s important to give back to the community as part of our routine,” says Dusevic, who started working in the business in 1979.

Dusevic explains that over the years they’ve made a priority of supporting local organizations in the community and gives thanks to his longer-term employees for the work they do for the customers at the Golden Bakery.

Many changes have occurred at the Golden Bakery since Joe and Evelyn Dusevic first opened its doors. Darren says they have always tried to keep up with the needs of the customers and current trends as they have come and gone throughout the years.

Some classic menu options have stayed the same, and they have added new items throughout the years.

“We’re still using the same recipes from 50 years ago, and have started new products as well,” he says.

Popular new menu items include pretzels, which are made and served on Fridays, and include two options, salted or cinnamon-sugared pretzels, served with dipping sauce. Classics, like bread, buns and sub buns have stayed relatively the same, but dairy was removed from most of the bread and bun products. Dusevic explains they were able to easily adjust their recipe to provide their customers with dairy-free bread options.

The Golden Bakery provides gluten-free options, which they are expanding. Currently they offer cookies, breads, lunch, and breakfast options that are gluten-free. Vegan options are also on the menu, and most items use vegetable shortening.

The bakery serves local, independent restaurants such as the The Golden Taps Pub and the Wolf’s Den Restaurant with breads and buns for use in their kitchens.

Dusevic is grateful to their faithful customers and long-term employees because they have allowed his family to stay in Golden and be a part of the community for 50 years.

Golden Star