BUSINESS TRACK: President’s message (September 2012)

Take advantage of the new programs and benefits offered

Welcome back! Fall brings busy times ahead to what has been an already active summer for the Chamber. We have been busy building new programs and benefits to offer as well as successfully advocating for business on many fronts.

Mayor and council has moved forward with Inter-Municipal Business Licensing. This collaborative work with other Fraser Valley Chambers of Commerce will cut red tape for thousands of small businesses, making the region the largest economic zone in B.C.

Also this summer we opened the discussion on marijuana grow operations in business areas. We are pleased that council is re-assessing how bylaws and public safety can play a role in mitigating this issue. I look forward to their recommendations coming later this fall.

Five excellent Lunch & Learns will be held in October. These affordable sessions are provided by experts with practical experience in the field and are a great learning opportunity.

I would also like to thank the many members who gave their time to build our plan for the upcoming 120th year. They did great work all summer and I am sure you will all be pleased with their efforts next year that will highlight how the Chamber is “Pioneers then…and Pioneers now!”

It was great to have members involved and I encourage you to participate in your organization.

With the refocus after the summer holiday I hope that you take advantage of the new programs and benefits. Don’t forget to get your tickets to the Business Excellence Awards on Oct. 19. I look forward to you joining me in celebrating the many business leaders in Mission.

– By Elyssa Lockhart

Chamber President

Mission City Record