There’s still plenty of room at the various marinas on Harrison Lake, as waters settle after Harrison Marina’s development announcement last month caused waves in the boating community.

There’s still plenty of room at the various marinas on Harrison Lake, as waters settle after Harrison Marina’s development announcement last month caused waves in the boating community.

Business waves at local marinas

Harrison Lake boats shuffle with uncertainty in the waters

With all the buzz around Harrison Marina’s planned changes, two other local slip providers have seen an inflow of customers.

Both Rockwell Marina and Killer’s Cove Marina have reported a sudden interest from clients after former Harrison Marina patrons heard of that business’ plans to cease annual moorage by Feb. 1 this year—a statement since retracted by Harrison Marina owner Wayne Moser.

And Rockwell and Killer’s both also say that they still have space available despite this newspaper’s story last week stating other marinas were reported to be full.

“Bottom line, we are still accepting moorage guests,” said Rockwell Marina owner Scott Yaworski.

Last week, Yaworski still had over a dozen slips available, even with more people showing interest.

“We had a mass exodus into our place,” he said. “[Harrison Marina’s] marketing campaign worked phenomenally for us.”

His neighbouring business owner Jim Killer of Killer’s Marina expressed the same sentiments. He also wanted to clarify that his moorage was not full.

“I’m open for business,” Killer said. “If I need more [slips] I can build more. I have room to expand.”

In fact, Killer has enlarged his water lot to provide room for any influx of boaters, from competitors or elsewhere.

Since he built his marina from scratch in 1993, Killer said he has seen the market expand along with the size of the boats that sit in the waters of Harrison Lake.

He even built a fuel dock to accommodate that increase in traffic.

Though less specific about the Harrison Marina announcement’s effect on his business, Killer said, “There have been a number of people that have contacted me.”

And as for his opinion about Harrison Marina’s proposal, Killer responded, “Their expansion plans are none of my business.”

Though it seems, at least for the time being, they are sending some his way.


Agassiz Observer