Darcy Nybo, Buzz on Business column headshot

BUZZ ON BUSINESS: Maverick Games aims to make learning fun

By Darcy Nybo, Goldstream Gazette contributor

By Darcy Nybo, Goldstream Gazette contributor

Maverick Games Learning and Support

Dwayne Morash followed his heart and became a special education teacher at 46.

He discovered there were learning opportunities that were outside the regular curriculum. He remembered how he learned as a child: comic books, video games, role-playing games like D&D.

“I have kids and I play a lot with them. I see how their reading and math skills improve through play,” he said.

He started Maverick Games Learning and Support in 2019 as a side business. In 2021 he decided to help children learn on a full-time basis.

“A maverick is someone who cuts their own path in life, and I’m bringing support to children with special needs to create their own path. A lot of parents and kids assume these games are just for fun. Many video and board games are fun and they teach math, reading and co-operation without the game player recognizing they are learning.”

Morash meets with parents and discusses the support goals they want for their child like: decision making, social and academic skills, etc. Then he customizes his sessions to incorporate those goals. Sessions are limited to four kids, plus Morash.

Due to COVID, these custom sessions are currently all held on line. In the future Morash hopes to have an office space complete with a board game room, a video room and a waiting room for parents.

For more information about the company and its offerings, go to facebook.com/maverickgameslss or email at maverickgameslss@gmail.com.

Goldstream News Gazette