Chan Nowosad Boates Chartered Accountants’ staff team renew their KidStart Champion Gold Sponsorship. Front row (L – R) Derek Lamb, Marlo Zimmermann, Dennis Berntson, Danna Chan, Erica Chan-Lafrance, Heather Sullivan, Charlene Brown, Tracey Price, and Len Hiquebran. Back row (L – R) Ray Dagenais and Steve Ayers, JHSNI’s Manager of Campbell River Community Programs. Missing from the photo are Karen Stewart and Cara Mann.

Chan Nowosad Boates Chartered Accountants’ staff team renew their KidStart Champion Gold Sponsorship. Front row (L – R) Derek Lamb, Marlo Zimmermann, Dennis Berntson, Danna Chan, Erica Chan-Lafrance, Heather Sullivan, Charlene Brown, Tracey Price, and Len Hiquebran. Back row (L – R) Ray Dagenais and Steve Ayers, JHSNI’s Manager of Campbell River Community Programs. Missing from the photo are Karen Stewart and Cara Mann.

Campbell River accountants support KidStart

Research shows that young people involved in mentoring programs report more positive relationships with their family and friends

The staff at Chan Nowosad Boates Chartered Accountants believe in helping children and youth in our community.

That’s why they chose to support a child in KidStart for the third year in a row.

KidStart is offered by The John Howard Society of North Island (JHSNI) and is Campbell River’s only one-to-one mentoring program. This volunteer-based program connects caring adults with children (ages 6-18) for three hours of fun per week.

Research shows that young people involved in mentoring programs like KidStart report more positive relationships with their family and friends, as well as more confidence in their ability to do well in school. They are 46 per cent less likely to start using drugs, 27 per cent less likely to initiate alcohol use, and 33 per cent less likely to hit someone than those not involved in such programs.

KidStart relies on donations, grants, and gaming revenue to be able to support vulnerable Campbell River kids, so the program truly appreciates the generosity of the Chan Nowosad Boates’ staff team in continuing their KidStart Champion Gold Sponsorship. Staff pool their individual donations to come up with $100/month.

“With many of our staff being parents, we wanted to donate to a cause that helps kids in our own community. We like that the KidStart program provides positive mentor relationships to kids who can use the extra support. We hope that those relationships can help to guide the kids to make good choices. Our children are the future of our community,” said Karen Stewart, a Chartered Accountant with the firm.

JHSNI is inviting other groups and individuals to take part in its KidStart Champions fundraising campaign. Becoming a KidStart Champion is simple—choose from three levels of monthly sponsorship (Gold = $100/month, Silver = $50, Bronze = $25). Gold covers the entire cost of a child’s participation in KidStart. Donations are tax deductible.

“Thanks to donors like the staff at Chan Nowosad Boates, KidStart is able to make a huge difference in the lives of local children,” said Wendy Richardson, JHSNI’s Executive Director. “We greatly appreciate the contributions of our donors and volunteer mentors.”

To find out more about donating to KidStart, contact Leanne at 250-286-0611 or Visit JHSNI on the web at

Campbell River Mirror