Cloverdale automotive technician earns kudos

A local automotive technician has been recognized by AirCare for excelling in the field of emissions repairs.

Educating owners is key, says Matthew Wilkie.

Educating owners is key, says Matthew Wilkie.

A local automotive technician has been recognized by AirCare for excelling in the field of emissions repairs.

Matthew Wilkie at Cloverdale Auto Repair received an AirCare Quality Repair Award for “superior effectiveness.”

Wilkie, 27, began his career at Cloverdale Auto Repair eight years ago as an apprentice.

Service manager Rui Carrao said Wilkie has an unmarred record when it comes to diagnosing vehicles so that they pass AirCare.

“He has a 100 per cent rate on it, which is outstanding for diagnosing [and] troubleshooting AirCare problems. That’s very hard to get,” Carrao said.

Wilkie credits his unblemished pass rate to educating car owners.

“That’s why we’ve been able to maintain a 100 per cent pass rate, through customer education. That it’s not good to fix it for a day, it’s good to fix the root cause – and then the car won’t fail next year just because it had a little Band-Aid on it. It’ll be good for many years.”

Wilkie was introduced to the automotive technician field while attending Frank Hurt Secondary and went on to BCIT.

– Kristine Salzmann

Cloverdale Reporter