Coding camp linked to BC Tech Summit

Mission students can learn from experts as they take part in a two hour session.

Grade 9 students from Heritage Park Secondary will be tapping in remotely to a seminar being put on during the BC Tech Summit.

On Jan. 19,  the students will take part in the  two-hour session. Lighthouse Labs will offer the educational seminar for the first hour direct from the BC Tech Summit. Following that, the students will be given a project. At that time, Mission’s SRCTec, along with I-Open Technologies and the Mission school district, will work with the students to mentor and guide them through a coding project.

“Coding camps are typically much more intense,” said Ray Szabada of SRCTec.

He explained that they want to make this experience a bit more fun for the Grade 9 students, who will be working on coding a mini space game.

“Using the principle of basic programing, they will be able to go in and modify, personalize and customize a single game into something they can play on their own and with their friends.”

He said it’s a way of seeding a potential career in programing and game design.

SRCTec staff will also be present to give the students support in knowing there is a valuable tech community network in Mission.

Szabada said the significance of this event is promoting and growing the local tech economy.

“If we are going to attract investment, then there must be a strategy for ensuring there is a skilled technical workforce locally.”

He said it is a first and initial campaign to start generating and promoting excitement around the tech sector.


Mission City Record