Community makeovers coming to Surrey

City will redesign the plans for five of its six town centres over the next two years.

Community makeovers coming to Surrey

The City of Surrey is embarking on a redesign of five of its six town centres.

The town centre plans getting a makeover include Newton, Cloverdale, Fleetwood, Guildford and South Surrey.

The planning process will involve extensive public and stakeholder consultation, including planning workshops with community groups and businesses and several public forums

The process will also utilize the City’s online engagement tool “CitySpeaks” to collect as much public input as possible.

Existing town centre plans are 15-20 years old. The Town Centre Plan initiative will begin in 2014 with updating three plans: Newton, Cloverdale and Fleetwood. Plans for Semiahmoo Town Centre and Guildford Town Centre will be undertaken in 2015. Surrey’s sixth town centre, City Centre, already has an updated town centre plan.

Surrey Now Leader