Community support revives memorial garden

Local businesses and Mile 108 students spruce up memorial garden

Mile 108 School's Children's Garden Club members Nolan Stusrud, left, Adrienne Gardner and Marshall Tessaro take a moment to enjoy the school's revamped memorial garden.

Mile 108 School's Children's Garden Club members Nolan Stusrud, left, Adrienne Gardner and Marshall Tessaro take a moment to enjoy the school's revamped memorial garden.

Students at Mile 108 Elementary School were welcomed back after summer break with a peaceful and reflective outdoor space to enjoy.

It’s a patch of garden originally dedicated as a memorial to former students who have passed away.

Last spring, it was overrun with thistles and other weeds, so members of the school’s garden club, which is led by Darrell Menduk and Monique Corno of Rustic Landscapes, cleaned it up and planted flowers donated by a local gardening enthusiast. Many other donations came from local businesses and the once lonely corner became a beautiful space.

During the summer, Menduk and Corno watered and weeded the garden and also installed landscape fabric, bark mulch and a stone pathway, which welcomes children to walk through the garden.

“The outpouring of support towards this project was wonderful,” says Corno.

The garden club will maintain the garden throughout the school year.

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