The Compassionate Care Funerals team of Steven Nesbit (left), funeral director Ron Malmas, and Philip Teichroeb.

The Compassionate Care Funerals team of Steven Nesbit (left), funeral director Ron Malmas, and Philip Teichroeb.

Compassionate Care: next door neighbour

Compassionate Care Funerals in Williams Lake has even more to offer the community now.

Compassionate Care Funerals in Williams Lake has even more to offer the community now as employees Steven Nesbitt and Philip Teichroeb take courses and complete certification.

Funeral director Ron Malmas, who has been in the business 34 years, says he’s proud of them.

“They will help us make a mark on this community with their attention to new ways and new details, and their vibrancy,” he said. “They have the drive to succeed.”

Philip Teichroeb has completed second year academic studies for funeral director and embalmer, licensed with Canada College of Funeral Services.

He has also completed a year of his apprenticeship, and said his studies included sciences, microbiology, physiology and grief psychology, religions, ethics, communications, law, and practices and protocols.

His graduation will take place at the River Rock Casino in Burnaby.

“I moved here from Langley for the job a year ago,” he explained.

“When I was growing up my uncle ran a small funeral home in Vanderhoof and found it interesting. I needed a change and wanted to do something satisfying.

“I consider this a public service; people are so grateful and when they tell you how much it means to them, it gives me tremendous satisfaction.”

He said he really likes the rest of the staff.

“I’m learning a lot; we learn from each other and I think it energizes Ron to have the new blood and new information.”

Steven Nesbitt just completed his first year of schooling to become a funeral director, doing two years schooling and his apprenticeship at the same time.

“Ron encouraged me to take this step,” he explained. “I moved here about seven years ago and have been working here since.”

They both said they found their courses challenging.

“They warned us many times that this would take incredible focus, and they were right,” Nesbitt said, adding that not everyone who starts the course finishes it.

Both men came from jobs in customer service.

“The people in our classes came from all other fields — everything from taxi driver to flight attendant,” Teichroeb said. “Many had a death in the family and wanted to make a change.”

“I think in order to do this you have to be giving and open-hearted. You need to be in tune to people’s emotions and be empathetic,” Nesbitt noted.

“Communication is huge, you need intuition and to be able to connect people to who can help them best.

“Our primary role is to let them know they have a friend, and that we’re here to support and care about them. We want this to feel like home.”

He said that Compassionate Care is a strong contributor to the community. “Here, it’s about more than making a living, it’s giving to other people,” he continued.

“It’s about helping a family feel a little more at ease and knowing they’ll get through this.”

“They have the ‘I care’ attitude,” Ron Malmas explained.

“That’s why we’re here and that’s why we give. They also have fresh outlooks and new ideas, and they have heart,” he said.

“I taught them that their job is to be a next door neighbour.”

Williams Lake Tribune