On the shelves: Amber Haase, co-owner of Element Botanicals, views the display of products on sale at Askew’s Uptown.

On the shelves: Amber Haase, co-owner of Element Botanicals, views the display of products on sale at Askew’s Uptown.

Couple Kickstarts their venture

Element Botanicals has kicked into gear following the success of an online Kickstarter campaign that provided them with funds

Element Botanicals has kicked into gear following the success of an online Kickstarter campaign that provided them with funds to grow their business.

The company, which is based in White Lake, creates natural skin care products for both men and women.

It’s been built from the ground up by Amber and Hardy Haase, and is now a full-time operation for their family, with online sales and distribution in more than 100 stores across Canada.

The business began as a sideline for Amber, who had previously studied herbs, essential oils and aromatherapy.

Following the birth of her son 10 years ago, Amber decided to take the entrepreneurial route, making and sell her increasingly popular creams.

She was helped by Hardy, her so-called carpenter-geek husband, who, with a can-do attitude and computer savvy, helped grow the business.

All Element Botanicals products are handmade and are based around their signature blend of organic olive oil that has been infused with blends of natural plants and essences.

Soon, the couple was selling products as fast as they were made and decided to take the plunge and have Hardy devote his full attention to the business.

But while demand for the products was increasing, the couple began to run into a stumbling block for their self-financed business. They didn’t have the capital to purchase equipment, like a large industrial mixer, or supplies on a larger scale.

“For example, we weren’t able to get price breaks on packaging supplies because we couldn’t afford to do the big bulk orders. It was the one thing really blocking us,” says Amber.

So the couple, who had already used social media extensively in building their brand, decided to use a Kickstarter campaign. In this online venture, project creators set a funding goal and deadline. If people like a project, they can pledge money to make it happen. Funding on Kickstarter is all or nothing — projects must reach their funding goals to receive any money.

The couple decided to set the modest fundraising goal of $5,000 and ran the promotion beginning in November. The month-long campaign was ultimately successful.

“It was a wonderful exhausting experience,” says Amber. “It was so gratifying to see people get behind us and it has made an immediate difference to our business.”

Element Botanicals can be purchased exclusively in Salmon Arm from Askew’s Uptown or from the website at elementbotanicals.ca. For the latest goings on, check them out on Facebook.


Salmon Arm Observer