Mike Borch is the organizer behind this year's Customer Appreciation Day.

Mike Borch is the organizer behind this year's Customer Appreciation Day.

Customer Appreciation Day comes to Nelson

Over 40 businesses are participating in the annual buy-local event on Nov. 28, which has a brand new website and Facebook.

Nelson’s annual Customer Appreciation Day returns Nov. 28, a grassroots event that has grown beyond Baker St. to include businesses you might not expect.

“This year we’ve taken it up a notch,” said organizer Mike Borch. “Traditionally this has been a retail event for downtown. It grew from the 400 block of Baker about ten years ago, and now it’s expanded to the side streets and down the Hall St. corridor.

“The vendors do whatever they want. It’s not so much a promotion as a community event where businesses have a chance to thank their customers.”

That means while some locations may offer discounts, sales or special items, others will find idiosyncratic ways to show their gratitude.

“A lot of them will do giveaways and give out gift certificates. There’s also draws. The range of businesses is extremely diverse, and so is what they offer.”

One new business participating this year is the Kootenay Carshare on Josephine St. Borch is thrilled to have them on board.

“Then down Hall St. we’ve got Sears participating this year, as well as Kootenai Moon,” Borch said, adding he was unsuccessful in expanding into Railtown this time but hopes the event will include the area next year.

“We have a lot of the spas involved now, and they never used to be. Plus we just had the Moon Monsters Secret Cave on Baker sign up for the first time.”

Borch has hired a local designer to brand the event. They now have a bright orange logo two hands shaking in the shape of an ice cream cone and all the information about the event exist on their website for potential customers to peruse.

“Our community that supports us here is the reason we’re all in business. This is our raison d’être.”

Borch said they currently have over 40 businesses participating, and it’s not too late to sign up.

For more information visit customerday.ca or Nelson Customer Appreciation Day on Facebook.



Nelson Star