For 30 years Dennis Hill has viewed the city from its rooftops.

For 30 years Dennis Hill has viewed the city from its rooftops.

Dennis Hill living on top of the world

For 30 years Dennis Hill has viewed the city from its rooftops.

For 30 years Dennis Hill has viewed the city from its rooftops.

Hill owns Cariboo Roofing Inc. and said his job provides him with a great life and a unique way to look at the world.

“You have to be cut out for it, it’s not for everyone,” he said during an interview at his home office on South Broadway Avenue.

Hill moved to Williams Lake from Vancouver Island with his parents in 1968.

After graduation in 1975, he needed a job and started roofing.

He loved it immediately, eventually started his own business and has looked back fondly ever since.

“Thirty years later I find I’m returning to do roofs that I did when I was just starting out.”

Roofing is easier today than it was in the days when you packed everything up a ladder on your back, he suggested.

And today’s synthetic shingles have warranties that people can expect to last.

During the winter, roofing contracts slow down, so Hill finds himself doing snow removal for people who have an excessive build up of snow that really should be addressed by a roofer.

Presently his is a one-man show.

In fact his motto is “where the boss does the job.”

This winter he is going to try find a newly certified roofer to possibly become a partner, he said, noting to become a roofer involves a three-year apprenticeship program.

Hill is a slight and agile guy and said truthfully when it comes to heights he would be classified as someone who is afraid of them.

Despite the fears, he’s never been worried or scared and when it comes to the heat, he’s learned not to think about it.

When he is not roofing, he bikes everywhere, boats, listens to music and reads.

He’s also a poet and spends a lot of time writing poetry.

“Many a poem comes to life on a roof where your mind can paint a picture for you,” he said.

While he hasn’t taken the time yet to count exactly how many roofs he’s done through the 30 years, he has a filing cabinet containing that  information.

“One day I’ll go through and count, but it’s in the hundreds I’m sure.”

Hill regularly send thank you letters to each customer and has learned it’s a nice touch that people enjoy.

“I’m fair and honest and do a good job,” he said.

“I think that sums up Cariboo Roofing.”

Williams Lake Tribune