Development officer hired for Terrace group

Blaine Moore starts work for the group in early January

THE Terrace Economic Development Authority (TEDA) has hired Blaine Moore as its new economic development officer.

Originally from Kitimat, Blaine Moore was the successful candidate to fill this position.  Currently residing in Victoria, he and his family have expressed a strong interest in returning to the north to be closer to family.

“We believe Blaine will be a great asset to TEDA and will bring with him some new and fresh ideas that will continue to help in strengthening our economy,” stated Rob Dykman, TEDA Chair.

“He will bring with him experience in marketing, business and finance and we believe he will work well on TEDA and city initiatives”.

Blaine will be starting his new position by early January.

He replaces Evan van Dyk who left the post at the end of October to move to Australia.




Terrace Standard